Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice: Kim Jong-Un Actually Pretty Clever


Former Secretary of State and National Security Adviser to President George W. Bush Condolleezza Rice complimented Kim Jong-Un yesterday saying that he turned out to be cleverer than she thought.  The North Korean leader is “turning, much more so than I thought, to be actually pretty clever,” she said.

Rice commended Kim’s decisions to make overtures to the South Koreans and to send a delegation to the Olympics.  Kim announced in a New Year’s Day address that it was his desire to melt the frozen relations that existed between the North and South in 2018.

The two countries held talks last week that was the first meeting between the two nations in more than two years.  Those culminated in agreement that North Korea send a delegation of athletes to the Olympic Winter Games which are to be held in South Korea next month.  The two nations also agreed to hold military talks aimed at decreasing tensions that have escalated over the last several months.

Rice also criticized the amount of attention paid to President’s Trump’s tweets by the U.S. media.  When asked about President Trump tweeting cavalierly about the use of nuclear weapons, she said she was “no fan” of the president’s tweeting, but she also said she doesn’t think it deserves “square column inches of analysis,” by the media.


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