Trump Likely to Have a Republican Primary Challenger in 2020, Jeff Flake Says


Arizona Senator Jeff Flake said he believes it’s likely President Trump will have a primary challenger from the Republican Party in 2020. “He’ll certainly have a challenge from somebody as an independent. But I think he’ll likely have a challenge in the Republican Party as well,” Flake said.

The Senator was asked whether the Republican Party has a moral obligation to field a primary challenger to President Trump in 2020.  He responded by saying, “I don’t want to put it that way, but I think he will have a challenge.”

Flake, who is retiring this year rather than seek another term in Senate, said he doesn’t believe he’s the only member of the Republican Party who no longer recognizes the Party.  He said the Republican Party used to stand for limited government, free trade and free enterprise but now stands for nationalism and protectionism.  Flake said he’s not sure it’s still his party, and “I’m not the only one,” who feels that way he said.

Flake has been highly critical of Donald Trump in the past.  He criticized him harshly during the presidential campaign which prompted Trump to pledge his support to anyone who wanted to run a primary campaign against Flake.  Reports are that Flake also plans to deliver a speech this week from the floor of the Senate in which he compares President Trump to Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin for his frequent attacks on the press.


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