Kemp, After Weeks of Inaction, Calls for “Signature Audit” of Ballots in Georgia

Headlines Politics U.S.

Governor Brain Kemp (R), after weeks of ignoring pleas from concerned citizens, is now calling for a “signature audit” of ballots in Georgia.

“I would again call for [a signature audit],” Kemp told Fox News. Under state law signature matching can only be ordered by Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, who has so far refused to do so.

Once mail-in ballots have been separated from the envelopes they arrived in, it is impossible to trace ballots back to those envelopes for ID verification. What can be determined through a signature audit however, is the percentage of envelopes where the signatures don’t match, are invalid, belong to individuals who are not Georgia residents or are deceased – information that can still prove vital to ascertaining whether the margin of victory in the state holds.

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