John Bolton, After Pouring Gasoline on “Bountygate” Scandal, Now All of a Sudden Quiet on the Subject

John Bolton, who over the last couple of weeks said he had personal knowledge that President Trump was personally briefed on Bountygate (the accusation that Russian Intelligence was paying Talbian fighters rewards for American or coalition soldiers killed, and that …

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ABC Promotes “Interview Everyone’s Been Waiting For” with John Bolton – Twitter Users, of All Stripes, Are Having Absolutely None of It

ABC News ran promotions for its primetime special with former National Security Adviser John Bolton on Twitter and users, of all political stripes, were not the least bit impressed.

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In Shift to More Forward-Leaning Foreign Policy, President Trump Replaces National Security Adviser McMaster with Bolton

President Trump has announced that he will be replacing Gen. H.R. McMaster as National Security Adviser with former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton. The President made the announcement on Twitter.

“I am pleased to announce that, effective …

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