Supreme Court Declines to Take Up DACA Case, Likely Meaning Program Stays in Place for Foreseeable Future

The Supreme Court has declined to hear a case involving President Trump’s authority to end the immigration-protection program known as DACA, likely signaling the program’s continuance for at least several months.  The program’s original end date was March 5.…

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Appeals Court in Virginia Rules Against Latest Version of President Trump’s Travel Ban

An appeals court in Virginia has ruled the latest version of President Trump’s travel ban unconstitutional.  The court, the Fourth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, ruled that the ban unlawfully targets Muslims.

The Supreme Court agreed last month to …

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A Pennsylvania Republican Lawmaker Calls for Impeachment of State Supreme Court Justices for Forcing Legislature to Redraw Congressional Maps

A Pennsylvania lawmaker has called for the impeachment of five state Supreme Court Justices in the wake of a decision that requires the Pennsylvania legislature to redraw the state’s congressional map.  Pennsylvania state Representative, Republican Cris Dush, blamed the justices …

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Supreme Court Sides with North Carolina, Allows Controversial Congressional Districts to Remain in Place – For Now

The Supreme Court has temporarily sided with North Carolina State officials, allowing the borders of congressional districts, which have become controversial, to remain in place.  The court blocked a decision by a lower court which required that North Carolina …

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Supreme Court Declines to Hear Mississippi Case Allowing Businesses to Deny Services to LGBT Persons, Based on Religious Beliefs, Leaving Law Intact

The Supreme Court has refused to hear two cases challenging a law in Mississippi that allows businesses and government employees to deny service to LGBT persons based on religious beliefs.  The refusal of the Court to hear the cases means …

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