Hong Kong scientist Dr. Li-Meng Yan told Fox News in an exclusive interview that she believes the Chinese government knew about the dangers of Covid19 well before it admitted it did.
“The reason I came to the U.S. is because I deliver the message of the truth of COVID,” she said from an undisclosed location.
Yan says she was one of the first scientists in the world to study Covid19 when she was allegedly asked by her supervisor at the University/WHO reference lab, Dr. Leo Poon, last December, to look into an odd SARS-like virus that had emerged in China.
“The China government refused to let overseas experts, including ones in Hong Kong, do research in China,” she said. “So I turned to my friends to get more information.”
A friend of Yan’s, a scientist at the Center for Disease control and Prevention in China had first-hand knowledge of the human-to-human transmissibility of the virus. Yan said she told her supervisor about the findings.
“He just nodded” and told her to keep working, she says.
She said soon after she noticed a sharp change in tone in her colleagues and other medical professionals across China. Doctors who were once discussing the virus openly became much more reticent in their conversations.
She also said at that time she began to notice an increase in the seriousness of the situation.
“There are many, many patients who don’t get treatment on time and diagnosis on time,” Yan said. “Hospital doctors are scared, but they cannot talk. CDC staff are scared.”
Yan said she approached her supervisor again on Jan. 16. “Don’t touch the red line,” Yan recalls him saying, referring to the Chinese government. “We will get in trouble and we’ll be disappeared.”