Read: Affidavit Delivered to Congress Yesterday Declaring Confession of Election Interference by Italian Defense Contractor Employee

Headlines Politics U.S.


A sworn affidavit was delivered to Congress yesterday detailing confessions by an employee of Italian defense contractor Leonardo SpA. The affidavit was written by the employee’s lawyer and delivered to Congress by Maria Zack, Chairwoman of, a government accountability advocacy group.

It is reproduced in its entirety below:

I, Prof Alfio D’Urso, Advocate/Lawyer, of Via Vittorio Emanuele, Catania, 95131 Italy, do hereby provide the following affidavit of facts as conveyed in several meetings with a high level army security services official:

Arturo D’Elia, former head of the IT Department of Leonardo SpA, has been charged by the public prosecutor of Naples for technology/data manipulation and implantation of viruses in the main computers of Leonardo SpA in December 2020.

D’Elia has been deposed by the presiding judge in Naples and in sworn testimony states on 4 November 2020, under instruction and direction of US persons working from the US Embassy in Rome, undertook the operation to switch data from the US election of 3 November 2020 from significant margin of victory for Donald Trump to Joe Biden in a number of states where Joe Biden was losing the vote totals.

Defendant stated he was working in the Pescara facility of Leonardo SpA and utilized military grade cyber warfare encryption capabilities to transmit switched votes via military satellite of Fucino Tower to Frankfurt Germany.

The defendant swears that the data in some cases may have been switched to represent more than total voters registered. The defendant has stated he willing to testify to all individuals and entities involved in the switching of votes from Donald Trump to Joe Biden when he shall be in total protection for himself and his family. Defendant states he has secured in an undisclosed location the backup of the original data and data switched upon instruction to provide evidence at court in this matter.

I hereby declare and swear the above stated facts have been stated in my presence.

DATED this 6thday of January 2021 at Rome, Italy.



83 thoughts on “Read: Affidavit Delivered to Congress Yesterday Declaring Confession of Election Interference by Italian Defense Contractor Employee

    1. For a very good reason. Here’s a link to an Italian society list. This is the page of Mr D’Urzo’s enterprize. Translate the page and take a look at the activity of this gentleman.
      I am a Trump supporter. I have no doubt whatsoever that this election was massively fraudulent. I don’t know who made this thing, though I suspect the left. I know one thing, though. This doesn’t help the cause at all.

      1. Help me out here. I followed the link. His occupation translates roughly to cultivation of oily fruits. In italy that could simply be “olive grower.” What am i missing here. I mean no insult. Just trying to understand more.

        1. He isn’t an IT ciber security tech, he is an olive planation owner/grower…
          In other words, someone lifted his name and made this up…

        2. My late father-in-law was a lawyer, but family tradition he also was a farmer. Having a farm and having people working for him to look after the farm didn’t mean he was not able to be a high ranking government lawyer.
          See also my writings: Even constitutional law professor Alan Deshowitz seems to misconceive what the constitution actually stands for. “Machine gun” Nancy crazy demands with a rudderless Democratic Party needing improved AOC to become the captain of the ship.

          This document can be downloaded from:

      2. Many people can share the same name.

        With your research skills you could get a job at ‘Snopes’!

        See Apples comment.

    2. Easy answer. The news media is 90% owned by the Democrats and the LAST thing they would report on would be something that is good for or supports President Trump.

      1. Absolutely…The deep state is predominantly in bed with DC Dems they will stop at nothing to prevent this seeing the light of day. It will take nothing short of a Miracle to keep our chosen leader in office

    3. I remember hearing a couple months back that in order to charge them with a crime, the crime must have been committed. Meaning they would have to follow through with their act, and trump must lose before something could be done. I am hoping this proves to be true!

    4. An affidavit is a type of verified statement or showing, or in other words, it contains a verification, which means that it is made under oath on penalty of perjury, and this serves as evidence for its veracity and is required in court proceedings.

      1. I understand that there is considerable question as to whether a successful impeachment would, under Constitutional law
        Prevent The Donald from running again in 2024.

    5. 01/14/2021

      1. Why is this in English and not Italian
      2. Why are there no witness signatures, required for a sworn statement?
      3. Why didn’t his attorney also sign?
      4. Why is it not notarized?

      Bottom line, not genuine.

  1. This is an outrage. Why wasn’t it made public until yesterday, AFTER THE VOTE? This entire debacle cannot and must not be swept under the carpet by the corrupt power mongering DCCP.

    1. Trump wanted to give them every chance to do the right thing all the way down the line. He wanted to attempt all avenues following the rule of law and hope that somewhere in the system, someone would “do right”. That somewhat impresses me because years ago those on this mission with him told him it is going to have to come down to the military to end their reign. They were suspected of Treason of course but it is the certifying of the fraudulent votes despite evidence etc that now makes it officially Treason. So they hung themselves basically. They have covered their bases and planned for all possible responses and outcomes. They expect rioting to start as more evidence comes out and arrests begin. We will all be alright. It will be a better America once again!

        1. Shouldn’t Biden be charged with Treason? He lied about being involved with China and yet he’s been involved since he was a Vice President under Obama. And I understand Hunter owns “Burisma”

      1. For additional info read the 2018 EO on election interference.
        Additionally, the punishment for treason can be death,including public hanging

      1. No one in congress has said a word. No one in Italy has said a word. No one in Germany has said a word. Who knows if any of this is really true? Everything so far is just material for a suspense novel.

    1. there was a video on another Media site, but it’s been removed. more censure ?
      What other sources are carrying this story right now?

      1. I sent it to customer service at Newsmax because the system wouldn’t let me send it to the editorial department. Then tried to send it to Trump’s lawyer but couldn’t get a valid email address. Maybe someone can get the article through?

        1. President Trump is already totally aware of this issue and I do believe that is why he is staying at the White House this weekend, instead of travelling to Camp David or Mara Lago.

        2. I tried yesterday to send to Pres Trump’s FB and Patriots FB sites and now I’m in FB jail and cannot comment on anything.

        3. I sent info to Devin Nunes, Dan Bongino and Raheem Kassam. Still not hearing much about it. The rules have all been broken. Time to break the January 6th rule??

      2. Try Victory , 1440
        I saw a news clip of a couple different people being interviewed. (Sarah Palin for one)
        If you can not find it instant message me and I will send it to you

  2. So kind of the Italian contractor to reveal the crime of Treason against America but a little too late. January 6, 2021 was the deadline for Congress to approve the legal set of electors. Not only that, but VP Pence disqualified some states from bringing up objections on mere technicalities (such as missing signatures by both a Congressman and a Senator).
    Were Dominion and SmartMatic part of this Coup de Etat?
    The Communists disguised as the Democratic Party have almost succeeded in overthrowing the most Free nation on earth.
    One week to save American from these Satanic Socialists and Globalists!!!

    1. After reading the posts and blogs through internet sites as well as blogs shows a coordinated attempt to overthrow the President in a corrupt election.

      They sealed the deal and the the truth will now surface. With many actors from both parties including the VP.

  3. Will E.O. 13848 start taking out the villains in our government. Those that certified their States should be arrested as well as those involved overseas.

    1. Maybe they do things differently in Italy. I find it interesting for an official affidavit to be so lacking in any official stamps or anything. Italy must totally handle their legal paperwork differently because I
      have all kinds of legal documents from the US and all of them have a letterhead, a stamp and is notarized.

    2. The letter is only sworn to by the attorney and he is not swearing that the statement is true, only that the person making the statement made it in front of him. I can swear an affidavitt that says you told me that you are from Mars! Doesn’t mean it is true.

  4. Nations action who broke this gave this and evidence to Devon Nunez and Ted Crews on Jan 6th. From interview of Maria on Americacan we

  5. This new evidence if real is great but what will be done about the corruption? Its been all talk for over 2 months but nothing has been done and President Trump has suffered for 4 years everyday in office dealing with this! Nothing has been done about the corrupt left! Is it time for a revolution!

    1. We will never see them. In PA of 113,000 mail-in ballots, 107,000 were adjudicated. Meaning 1 person determined voter intent, and “corrected” the ballot. That adjudicated ballot was scanned into the Dominion machine and counted. THE ORIGINAL BALOT IS THEN DESTROYED. The only way to know valid voter intent is to do a manual canvas with the adjudicated ballot, and interview each REGISTERED, QUALIFIED voter. Of course, this will never be done, as virtually all of those ballots are fraudulent and many of those “voters” are deceased or not on the registered voters roles.

      There is overwhelming hard evidence to substantiate all of this, including photos/videos. But as the Swamp and media rats keep hammering “Where is the evidence?”

      Ignoring evidence or denial of evidence does not eliminate evidence. It is interesting NONE of the election boards or election officials discredit this- they only claim it does not exist.

    1. Rubbish because the culprit has in possession the original data BEFORE & AFTER the illegal modifications ! People need to learn to read the fine prints before anyhow jumping to conclusions ?!!

      The original data is great to have because also that can be cross-checked by say the expert hackers team who were monitoring the internet data traffic during election nite besides also being further checked with any recoverable data from all the voting machines !

      68M for Biden only with 79M for Trump are known to be the more accurate data before any ‘fixing’ took place ?!?!!

  6. How is this any different from the 100s of affidavits already signed by American s that witnessed fraud & irregularities?

  7. i am a republican and even I can see this is nothing but Lies. This is why what happened at the Capitol happened! If this was true it would be all over every single Independent and Main Stream media site. its time to give up. Let it go.

    1. Are you serious? With people like Gates, Zuckerberg, Turner and all the tech giants controlling the media?

      Here are some facts you will never see on the “fair and balanced” nightly news. ANTIFA and BLM radicals were organized and bussed into DC with a police escort. The DC mayor instructed Federal police and National Guard agencies to stand down. Video evidence shows DC Capitol police opening the barricades and allowing the thugs in. Another DCCP officer opening the Capitol doors and inviting them in. AND yet another escorting an identified BLM thug into the Rotunda.

      If the National Guard was there, do you think ANY of that would have happened? Of course not. It was all staged to blame our President for “inciting a riot”. This gives Pelosi and Schumer reason for all the impeachment BS to distract the American public from the truth. They are all peeing down their legs because they KNOW the evidence Trump holds. If he releases the classified documentation there is no place for them to hide.

      I am not racist. I believe EVERY American citizen has rights and THEIR LIVES MATTER not matter what skin color or national origin.
      The DC mayor is a black, Democratic woman. She CHEERED and encouraged the BLM/ANTIFA riots we witnessed all summer as they laid waste to great American cities. As did the pukes in the SWAMP. “It is just an ideology. They were peaceful protests.”
      What happened Wednesday is terrible. But it was also orchestrated, and the frustrations of 75+ million AMERICAN CITIZEN voters came out. After 4+ years of what our PRESIDENT has been subjected to and the BS the media pumps out each day brainwashing us, I AM PISSED OFF AND FRUSTRATED TOO.

      Did a 14-year veteran of the our US military deserve to be shot at close range? Of course not. But her violent death is being CELEBRATED by these pukes.

  8. This is a HOAX. It claims that an Italian hacker had used Italian military facilites to hack the election in the US and flip votes from Trump to Biden. IT IS TOTALLY FALSE.

    I have researched this in the Italian press. There is indeed a hacker named Arturo D’Elia, and he did indeed work at the Italian defense contractor Leonardo SpA. And yes, he was arrested for hacking. But that is where the truth stops. Arturo D’Elia was arrested and indicted for hacking operations conducted in 2015 and 2017, during which time he and an accomplice stole over 10GB of sensitive data from Leonardo SpA. The hack was discovered in 2017 and everything at Leonardo has been strictly analyzed since then.

    This is a classic hoax, where they take a little bit of truth and spin it into something totally false. Here is an Italian site that debunks the hoax if you want to use Google translate  Here is a small passage: “Since January 2017, everything passed through Leonardo has been carefully examined and checked, precisely because they are aware of the attack they had suffered. An attack that however “limited” itself to intercepting what was typed on the machines connected to the system, we are talking about 94 workstations. Not thousands of modified votes overseas.”…/

    Here is the REAL story of the hack at Leonardo SpA, as reported by Reuters:

    1. So you’re hinting that Italian legal person who signed that English translation is also a fake ?! This person too has he own reputation to protect ?!!!! His ID pass also shown, so it’s not some unknown-body simply signing something for another unknown-body !!

      Read the fine print. The culprit possess the BEFORE & AFTER data !! That can be cross-checked so that people would also know how honest or accurate the data recovered from the voting machines & other original forensic materials like the ballot papers etc.

      This is not a case of some nobody just talking without the evidence. Of course in due course this culprit would have to be able to proof he is who he is & actually did what he claims he did ! Understood without even bothering to explicitly saying it !!

      There’s absolutely NO EXCUSES by any party to try to obstruct the safe passage of producing the culprit(s) for through cross-examination of course WITH VERIFICATION of the EVIDENCE in his possession to ultimately proof the authenticity of this case !

      A background point noteworthy from MZ’s audio recording related to this case is that the pretext for the charge earlier was relating to spying into some aircraft parts etc. but people know this person was also doing this vote rigging operation hence the ‘safe keeping’ of the culprit(s) !

      This latest case is therefore NOT to be conveniently confused with whatever earlier reports from any MSM reports of Leonardo spying etc. which I can vaguely also recall I heard about some time back !

      Bottom line here is : the culprit(s) AND evidence are both available so NO EXCUSES not to hear it out so that whatever conspiracy theories can once & for all be casted aside & let the verifiable facts prevail !!

  9. Just as a counter to the “hoax” BS- here is the real story, with full details, unearthed by a CIA Station Chief and verified by the Italian government and courts. And photographic eveidence of an MI6 involvement.

    This information was delivered to Trump in Florida over Christmas.
    What disturbs me is what will be done with this information. The election outcome is one thing. But as Mr Johnson says “many” countries were involved, or knew about this, most of them our allies. If they watch this government, Justice Department, and elected officials do NOTHING and let the events slide, WHAT DOES THAT DO FOR OUR CREDIBILITY ON THE INTERNATIONAL STAGE? The USA might lose all credibility going forward with a fraudulent, inept Commander in Chief and a government that can be bought at anytime, for any price. Russia and China are obviously watching how we as a nation and as a military power react. How do you think Li, Putin, or worse Iran or North Korea will exploit this?

    More scary- Biden is already senile. He may be removed with a 25th Amendment as incapable. How do you think the Joint Chiefs will respond to “President Harris………………….GOD HELP US

    Both North Korea and Iran annoounced they are openly increasing their uranium enrichment programs.

    1. The same reason based on the facts that the pope has not been arrested for pedophile charges, more fiction from Qnon nut jobs.

  10. Not true, the mainstream media is controlled by those that have been committing this coup. Wake up please.

  11. If the affidavit and the story it purports to confirm were a hoax, why are so many of the story links provided no longer working?
    Why hide fraudulent links? In whose interest is it to hide information of any sort, especially politically charged information? Why is there now a worldwide media blackout sweeping across the globe on this story of voter fraud? The elections are over!

  12. On a learning curve here, this affidavit looks rather plain –

    shouldn’t there be a letterhead?
    official stamp?
    2nd signature?

    Or is Italy that laid back where they don’t bother with such?

    1. English translation ! Original of course is in Italian which expectedly would come with all the ‘bells & Whistles’ etc. in regard to ‘presentability’ of the document etc.

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