Permission Denied


When the globalists signal operations to be carried out against us and we remain silent it is seen as implicit permission given. In this week’s episode we discuss why that permission needs to be withheld.

The artwork tweet mentioned in the show:


2 thoughts on “Permission Denied

  1. People were so much more creative a long time ago. The pictures above prove that. It’s strange as we are supposedly more educated now, but maybe in reality we’re not. We’re just indoctrinated and brainwashed, taught only the propaganda they want to spew, and filler info we don’t need to know. It seems we have gone backwards on so many things.

  2. KEEP TALKING MIKE! Getting “banned” from utube is a “badge of Honer”. Welcome to the “club”!! ANYONE who is STILL on you tube now really isn’t saying anything worthwhile anyway! Let them CRASH AND BURN! We are call with you!

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