Canadian Doctor Defies Government Imposed Gag Order to Discuss Covid19 Vaccine Side Effects He is Seeing in His Patients

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Dr. Charles Hoffe is defying orders from the Canadian government and speaking out about side effects of the Covid vaccines. A physician in Lytton, a small town in British Columbia, Hoffe says he has been seeing adverse effects from the vaccines in his patients for weeks.

The incidents so troubled Hoffe that he penned an open letter to the British Columbia Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry voicing those concerns.

“The first dose of the Moderna vaccine has now been administered to some of my patients in the community of Lytton, BC. This began with the First Nations members of our community in mid-January, 2021. 900 doses have now been administered,” he writes.

“I have been quite alarmed at the high rate of serious side-effects from this novel treatment…in short, in our small community of Lytton, BC, we have one person dead, and three people who look as though they will be permanently disabled, following their first dose of the Moderna vaccine.”

“Are these considered normal and acceptable long term side-effects for gene modification therapy? Judging by medical reports from around the world, our Lytton experience is not unusual…” Hoffe asked of Henry.

“In stark contrast to the deleterious effects of this vaccine in our community, we have not had to give any medical care what-so-ever, to anyone with Covid-19. So in our limited experience, this vaccine is quite clearly more dangerous than Covid-19…” he added.

To his surprise, Hoffe said he got a response from Henry who directed him to a vaccine specialist. That specialist however, dismissed the adverse effects as “coincidences.”

When Hoffe pursued the matter, sending an email to fellow medical professionals asking whether it would be wise to pause the administration of the vaccines, Hoffe was accused of creating “vaccine hesitancy.”

“They told me that they would be reporting me to the College of Physicians and Surgeons [the Provincial licensing body for medical professionals] and that I was not allowed to say anything negative about this vaccine in our health facility,” Hoffe said.

He is now defying that gag order to make sure the truth about the side effects he is seeing in his patients is exposed.

“Normally when you’re doing a research study, testing out a new therapy, if it’s shown that the therapy is very harmful it is normally a principle of basic ethics that you stop the study,” Hoffe told talk show host Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson in an interview. “You don’t carry on harming people just to sort of see how bad it gets.”

Hoffe believes ultimately, the information drug companies have published on the safety of the vaccines is inaccurate.

“Unfortunately a lot of these vaccines were never tested on the elderly and never tested on people with multiple comorbidities. So they chose relatively healthy people to test them on so they could prove how safe they were.”

Hoffe also believes the vaccines which are based on mRNA technology are initiating biological processes within his patients. “In all of these people their side effects are sort of evolving. In other words some process has been started that I cannot identify…but each one is distinctly different.”

“Except for the fellow with the swollen arm, they’re all neurological problems from the Moderna vaccine,” he said.

Read Dr. Hoffe’s letter to Canadian health officials in its entirety below:




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