Kanye West: Planned Parenthood Planned by Eugenics to “Kill the Black Race and Create Population Control”

Rap star and presidential candidate Kanye West, says he wants to shift America’s culture away from abortion, citing Planned Parenthood as one subject of his ire.

“Because Plan B and Planned Parenthood were planned by eugenics that set out …

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Number of Children with Mental Health Issues Jumps 50% in UK – Covid Lockdowns Likely to Blame

The proportion of children in the UK with mental issues was found to be 50% higher than it was before the pandemic, that country’s National Health Service reported this week.

According to the Mental Health of Children and Young People …

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Washington D.C. Moves Bill That Would Remove Parental Consent Requirement for Vaccines for Children as Young as 11

The Washington D.C. City Council advanced a bill last week that removes the parental-consent requirement for recommended vaccines for children as young as 11 years old.

The “Minor Consent for Vaccinations Amendment Act” passed in the D.C. Council …

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FDA Approves Remdesivir for Covid Treatment Despite Little Evidence Drug Actually Works

The Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Gilead Sciences’ drug Remedesivir

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Bill Gates Says World “Won’t Return to Normal” Until “Second Generation” of Covid Super Vaccines Arrive

In an interview with NBC News this week, Microsoft CEO Bill Gates warned the world “won’t return to normal” until “a lot people” take a second-generation Covid vaccine – and that could still be years away.

Gates acknowledged first-generation …

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School Reopenings in Germany Do Not Increase Covid19 Cases – Case Numbers Actually Decreased in Some Areas

A new study conducted by researchers in Germany found that the reopening of schools in that country did not increase the number of positive Covid19 cases.

Some areas actually saw a decrease in cases relative to areas that had not …

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Colorado Seniors Protest Lockdown at Nursing Home: “Rather Die from Covid Than Loneliness”

Seniors at a Colorado nursing home and rehab facility protested last week saying they no longer want to be restricted from visiting with loved …

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Dr. Li-Meng Yan, Chinese Virologist Who Defected to West, Publishes 2nd Paper – Calls Covid19 an “Unrestricted Bioweapon”

Dr. Li-Meng Yan, the Chinese virologist who defected to the West earlier this year, has co-authored a second research paper calling Covid19 and “unrestricted bioweapon.”

The virus meets the 3 specific criteria for a pathogen to qualify as a bioweapon, …

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Bill Gates: Enlist Religious Leaders, Others in “Trust Network” to Reduce Covid “Vaccine Hesitancy” – “Few People Can Look at Data Directly”

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