President Trump Addresses Nation: “I Think I’m Doing Very Well But We’re Going to Make Sure Things Work Out”

President Trump addressed the nation in a brief video before boarding Marine One for a short flight to Walter Reed Military hospital this evening.

Mr. Trump announced very early this morning …

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NY Times Already Hinting Next Two Debates Will Be Cancelled, Trump Will Not Be Able to Leave Washington Due to Covid Diagnosis

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President Trump to “Continue Carrying Out His Duties Without Disruption” While Recovering From Covid, Says White House Physician

President Trump will continue to carry out his duties as President of the United States while recovering from Covid19, according to White House …

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Dr. Anthony Fauci Finds it “Disturbing” Americans Are Distrustful of the Forthcoming Covid Vaccine

Dr. Anthony Fauci, a leader of the country’s Covid19 task force, finds it “disturbing” that so many Americans have become distrustful of the forthcoming Covid19 vaccine.

Fauci was referring to findings of a recent Pew Research Center poll in which …

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Sen. Dianne Feinstien Seen Walking Through Airport Without Mask – After Calling for National Airport Mask Mandate

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Thousands Attend UK Anti-Lockdown “We Do Not Consent” Rally

Thousands of protesters packed London’s Trafalgar Square this weekend in protest of England’s continuing Covid19 lockdown policies.

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Countries Where Hydroxychloroquine is Prescribed Have Covid Death Rates That Are 75% Lower Than Countries That Don’t

“Why is the death rate about 75 percent lower in many countries?” asked Dr. Jane Orient, executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, in reference to a recent analysis that shows a large gap in Covid19 death …

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Nearly 500 Belgian Doctors Sign Letter Demanding End to Covid19 Lockdown: “There is No Medical Justification for Any Emergency Policy Anymore”

Nearly 500 medical doctors in Belgium have signed on to a letter demanding the country’s government bring an end to the emergency powers it has implemented to slow the spread of the Covid19 virus.

“After the initial panic surrounding covid-19, …

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College Student Enrolled in Virtual Classes & Never On Campus, Suspended for Attending Party in Violation of Covid19 Rules

A New York University senior has been suspended indefinitely for attending a party that was in violation of the University’s Covid19 compliance rules. The student, whose identity has been withheld due to privacy concerns, is enrolled in virtual classes and …

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Schools Have Reopened in Denmark; No Masks, No Social Distancing and Covid is Still in Check

Denmark was one of the first European countries to implement strict lockdowns at the outbreak of the Covid19 pandemic. But they have relaxed many of those restrictions now. They prioritized the reopening of schools ahead of bars and restaurants.

“You …

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Are “Morality Pills” That Make You Adhere to Covid19 Restrictions the Best Answer to the Pandemic? An Ethicist Says Yes

Trying to cope with the “pandemic” of freedom-loving people everywhere continuing to awaken to the falsehoods their governments and one-world government organizations are telling them about Covid19, an ethicist has recommended “moral enhancement” as a way to get more “cooperation.”…

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DARPA-Funded Implantable Biochips Used to Detect Covid19 Could be on the Market By Next Year

Unbeknownst to most Americans, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), is developing a microchip, that once implanted could be used to detect most viral, upper respiratory pathogens, including Covid19.

The technology could be on the market as soon as …

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