Gov. Cuomo, Who Loves to Lecture on Virtues of Mask-Wearing, Outside – Without a Mask

Governor Andrew Cuomo, strong proponent of face masks, was pictured outdoors on Monday in New York – without a …

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Philadelphia Mayor Forced to Apologize After Eating In Maryland Restaurant While Philly Restaurants Remain Closed

Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kinney is under fire after being photographed dining indoors, without a mask, at a restaurant in Maryland.

Restaurants in Philadelphia have been ordered closed because of Covid19.

Indoor dining at Philly restaurants is set to resume …

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San Diego Mandates Businesses Collect Names and Phone Numbers of Customers as a Condition for Reopening

San Diego County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher has announced that businesses that wish to reopen will be required to have a guest sign-in that collects the names and phone numbers of guests that come in.

The requirement will apply to …

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WHO Practicing “Social Listening,” Surveilling Covid19 Conversations to Counter With Their Own Propaganda

The World Health Organization is working with other U.N. organizations and artificial Intelligence companies to scan social media conversations for coronavirus misinformation – a practice the WHO calls “social listening.”

“Countering fake news or rumors is actually only …

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2010 Rockefeller “Operation Lockstep” Planning Exercise Predicts 2020 Lockdown

In 2010, in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, The Rockefeller Foundation convened what it called a “scenario planning exercise,” an exercise where future events and “unlikely” scenarios are gamed out.

The event included global strategists that helped businesses, …

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Only 6% of Patients Died From Covid ALONE, 94% Had Underlying Conditions (2.6 Conditions on Average) – CDC

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) quietly updated their statistics this week on Covid19 fatalities in the U.S. What the new statistics show is that only 6% of all Coronavirus deaths were due to Covid19 alone.


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Hundreds of Parents Protest Mandatory Flu Shot Order by Massachusetts State Officials

Hundreds of parents attended a protest …

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Top UK Scientist: Lockdowns a “Monumental Mistake on a Global Scale,” “Worse Than the Disease”

A top UK scientist and adviser to the British government has called the lockdown response to Covid19 a monumental mistake that must never happen again.

Professor Mark Woolhouse,  a member of the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviours, which …

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Texas County Drops Active Covid Case Number from Over 4,600 to 81 After Finding Count Overstated

Earlier this month, Collin County, Texas’ ‘Covid-19 Dashboard’ stated that there were over 4,600 active Covid19 cases in the county. That number was based on data provided by the Texas Dept. of State Health Services.

Sensing the numbers were overstated, …

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Whistleblower UK Nurse Exposes Hospital: “They Were Dying WITH Covid Not FROM Covid – There Are So Many Empty Beds!”

A whistleblower nurse in a major UK hospital has come forward to expose lies she says the public is being told about Covid19.

The anonymous frontline emergency nurse says she has treated Covid patients and explains that the hospital …

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UK Officials Exposed for Over-Counting Covid19 Hospital Admissions at Height of Pandemic

Officials in the UK have been were over-reporting hospital admissions for Covid19 at the peak of the pandemic, it has been revealed.

An investigation for the Government’s Science Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) found that individuals were being counted …

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