President Trump Signs 4 Executive Orders on Covid19 Relief, Accuses Democrats of Stonewalling

President Donald Trump issued four executive orders …

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“It’s a Peaceful Protest” – Trump Ribs Reporter Who Ask Why Guest Are Wearing Masks

President Trump held a press conference last night at his golf …

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L.A. to Shut Off Water, Electricity to Residents Who Repeatedly Break Social Distancing Rules

During a press conference yesterday, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garretti (D) authorized the city to shut off power and water to properties, both residential and commercial, that violate rules on gatherings during the Covid19 pandemic.

Garcetti said the goal …

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Massive International Study Shows Hydroxychloroquine Lowers Covid Mortality by Nearly 80%

A new international study shows that cases where Hydroxychloroquine is administered early can decrease mortality rates from Covid19 by 79%.

The study pools together results from studies conducted by countries all over the world and involves the populations of 2 …

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Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Sends Police to Raid Black Church Disobeying Covid Lockdown Orders

Democratic Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot allegedly dispatched police officers to raid a church that was defying the city’s Covid lockdown orders, conducting Sunday services at the church this past weekend.

Lightfoot allegedly sent three marked squad cars and two …

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UN Officials: Covid Lockdowns “Causing More Harm to Children Than the Disease Itself.”

In a presentation asking for extra funding for Covid19 efforts on Monday, UNICEF director Henrietta H. Fore said “The repercussions of the pandemic are causing more harm to children than the disease itself.”

Victor Aguayo, UNICEF nutrition program head, …

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Twitter Temporarily Suspends Account of Donald Trump Jr. After Posting Video of Doctors Touting Hydroxychloroquine as Covid19 Cure – Facebook, YouTube Ban Video After Millions of Views

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600,000 People Associated with U.S. Military Mistakenly Told They’re Covid19 Positive – Many Weren’t Even Tested

Military healthcare insurance company Tricare sent an email to 600,000 individuals telling them they were Covid19 positive and to consider donating blood plasma to aid in Covid19 research.

“As a survivor of COVID-19, it’s safe to donate whole blood or …

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