Amnesty International Identifies Several Counties with “Highly Invasive” Covid19 Contact Tracing Apps

Amnesty International’s Security Lab reviewed contact tracing apps from counties all over the world and found apps used by the several countries to violate standards of privacy. Those countries with the most egregious violations are Bahrain, Kuwait and Norway

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Houston Says Fears Over Area Hospitals Reaching Capacity Due to Covid Unwarranted, Florida Pauses Reopening Plans

Houston area officials have tried to quell fears that the hospital system in Texas’ largest city will soon reach capacity because of a surge in Covid19 cases. Texas announced 5,996 new Covid19 positive cases today, a single-day record increase. Total …

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Giant Mall Company Demands Rent From Tenants While Negotiating Rent Forbearance For Themselves

Brookfield Asset Management, one of the largest mall operators and retail landlords in North America, is demanding retailers pay rent they owe even for months were their respective malls were closed. All while negotiating better terms from their lending companies

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AHA Warns of “Catastrophic Financial Challenges” Facing America’s Hospitals Because of Covid19

The American Hospital Association says that U.S. “hospitals and health systems face catastrophic financial challenges in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

According to a new report the AHA says medical facilities are expected have lost over $200 billion just in …

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750 Million Gates Funded, Lab Modified Mosquitoes to Be Released in Florida as Bizarre Vaccine Delivery System

A British-based biotech company plans to release 750 million genetically modified mosquitoes into the Florida keys as part of an experiment designed to help reduce the mosquito population in Florida, and along with it the spread deadly diseases such as …

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NYC Mayor Bars Contact Tracers From Asking Covid19 Positive Patients if They Attended Black Lives Matter Protests

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio has announced that contact tracers working for the city will not ask Covid19 positive patients if they attended any recent protest.

“No person will be asked proactively if they attended a protest,” said Avery Cohen

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