In Continuing War on Free Information Regarding Covid19, FDA Revokes Emergency Use Authorization for Hydroxychloroquine

The FDA has revoked emergency use authorization for the drugs Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine for the treatment of Covid19, it was announced today.

After reportedly reviewing current research available on the drugs, the Food and Drug Administration said the drugs …

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David Icke: It’s All About Division – If You’re the Few and You Want to Control the Many, You Have to Divide the Many

Author and speaker David Icke talks about how the globalist movement is using all current events – the Covid pandemic, racial strife – to control the perceptions of the masses.

The purpose of controlling perceptions, Icke says, is to control …

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Ghana’s Minister of Tourism Invites Unwanted African Americans to Return Home to Ghana

Ghana’s Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture, Barbara Oteng-Gyasi, invited African-Americans to return home to Ghana if they are feeling unwanted or abused in the United States.

“We continue to open our arms and invite all our brothers and sisters …

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Melinda Gates Reveals Globalist’s Covid Vaxx Agenda: Health Workers to Get it First, Then Blacks

Melinda Gates, during an interview with Time Magazine, revealed the globalists’ plan administering a coronavirus vaccine when it becomes available (or when Big Pharma reveals that a vaccine they’ve had planned all along, is ready to be rolled out).…

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Association of American Surgeons & Physicians sues FDA for Restricting Access to Hydroxychloroquine

The Association of American Surgeons & Physicians has filed a lawsuit against the FDA, HHS, the Biomedical Advanced Research & Development Authority, two if its sub-agencies and several “lead officers” of these government agencies for interfering with patients’ access …

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WHO Official Says Asymptomatic Covid Patients Are Not Contagious – CDC, WHO Officials Flip Out, Story Gets Changed

An official from the World Health Organization said this week that it was rare for an asymptomatic person who is covid positive to transmit the disease to another. That statement caused controversy among circles of officials who want to perpetuate …

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Image by Thomas Ulrich from Pixabay

Twitter and Facebook Produce Echo Chambers of Opinion, Gab and Reddit Do Not – Researchers

Researchers in Italy found that mainstream social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook produce less diversity of news, opinion and interaction while platforms often derided as “fringe” and “extreme,” like Gab and Reddit, do not.

Over one billion pieces of …

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“If You Get Rid of the Police the Vulnerable Will Suffer Most” – The Duran Discusses the Bizarre Policies Being Put Forth by Globalist Elements


The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the unrest currently taking place in America and the movement to remove statues from American cities as well as cities all over the world.

“Who controls the past controls the …

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Minnesota Police Officers “Trained by Israeli Forces in Restraint Techniques”

Officers from the Minnesota’s police force received restraint training and anti-terror technique training from Israeli security forces.

At least 100 Minnesota police officers attended a security conference hosted by the Israeli consulate in Chicago in 2012.  It was the second …

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Niger Innis Excoriates BLM Movement: They Want to “Overthrow Western Civilization” for a “Hard Marxist” and “LGBT Agenda”

Niger Innis, national spokesperson for the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), spoke self-described “hard-truths” and went after the Black Lives Matter movement and their recent activities.

Separating the movement’s organizers from innocent protesters who want to bring about racial equality …

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