New UCLA Study: Chance of 50-64 Year Old Dying From Covid19 1 in 19 Million

Headlines Health U.S.

A new study conducted by medical researchers at UCLA and Stanford University has found the chances of contracting or dying from Covid19 are much lower than previously believed.

The study found that the average person has a 1 in 3,836 chance of contracting the virus, and the average 50-64 year old has a 1 in 19 million chance of dying from it.

“We get these really large counts of deaths, and very large counts of cases, and they all seem to be growing, but what does that matter to me is not really answered by those questions,” Dr.Rajiv Bhatia, Assistant Professor of Medicine at Stanford University and also a physician in the VA Palo Alto Health Care System

“Even at [the pandemic’s] peak, except for very few places, the severe events were pretty rare events.”

“The perception given all of the data and the images and the emergencies, the war metaphors, the uncertainty, the lack of control, these were all factors that I think elevated the perception of risk,” Dr. Bhatia said.

You can read the report in its entirety here.

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