Half of 2019 Donations to Left Fundraising Org ActBlue Came from Untraceable “Unemployed” Donors

Headlines Politics U.S.

Analysis conducted by the Take Back Action Fund has found that nearly half of all 2019 donations to ActBlue were untraceable donations made by people claiming to be unemployed.

“After downloading hundreds of millions of [dollars in] donations to the Take Back Action Fund servers, we were shocked to see that almost half of the donations to ActBlue in 2019 claimed to be unemployed individuals,” he said. “The name of employers must be disclosed when making political donations, but more than 4.7 million donations came from people who claimed they did not have an employer. Those 4.7 million donations totaled $346 million ActBlue raised and sent to liberal causes.”

And the trend seems to be continuing this year. An analysis of 2020 data showed that 50.1% of donations made so far this year to ActBlue are from unemployed individuals.

ActBlue is a technology company that develops fundraising platforms for organizations and movements in exchange for a small processing fee on each donation made.

Last month we highlighted a review of ActBlue Texas disbursements conducted by The Gateway Pundit, that reveals ActBlue is paying hundreds of individuals in small amounts ($300 and $250) who are not candidates running for office. There have been $9.6 million in such disbursements made so far.

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