CNN’s Don Lemon: “We’re Going to Have to Blow Up the Entire System”

Headlines Politics U.S.

CNN hosts Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo once again opined on what they see as the problem with America. The hosts with back-to-back primetime shows were discussing the vacancy on the Supreme Court and President Trump’s, and Senate Republicans,’ plans to fill that seat, much to the hosts’ consternation.

“Until you have a group of people that decide to consistently be better than what they reject, you’re going to have people in the exact position they are now, Don, which is no matter what happens, everybody sticks with their team,” Cuomo begins.

“We’re going to have to blow up the entire system,” Lemon responds. “And you know what we’re going to have to do?…Honestly, from what your closing argument is, you’re going to have to get rid of the electoral college,” he adds.

“You need a constitutional amendment to do that,” Cuomo says.

“If Joe Biden wins, Democrats can stack the courts and they can do that amendment and get it passed,” Lemon attests.

Lemon recently admitted that he is not a straight news anchor, but rather someone who talks to the American people “about the news.”

He also recently expressed a wish to see violent protests in America stop, not because people were getting hurt, but because polls showed that they were helping Trump.

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