Review Site Yelp to Slap “Racist” Label on Businesses Accused of Racist Behavior

Business Politics U.S.

Business review site has announced that it will slap establishments with a new “Accused of Racist Behavior” label when someone associated with that business is accused of racist behavior.

“Communities have always turned to Yelp in reaction to current events at the local level. As the nation reckons with issues of systemic racism, we’ve seen in the last few months that there is a clear need to warn consumers about businesses associated with egregious, racially-charged actions to help people make more informed spending decisions,” a blog post by the company reads.

“Now, when a business gains public attention for reports of racist conduct, such as using racist language or symbols, Yelp will place a new Business Accused of Racist Behavior Alert on their Yelp page to inform users, along with a link to a news article where they can learn more about the incident.”

The company says it will base the label on media accounts and will always link to an article from a “credible media outlet so users can learn more” about a specific incident.

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