Trump Campaign Sues in Wisconsin Over “Purposeful Disregard” of Election Law Safeguards

Headlines Politics U.S.

The Trump campaign has filed a lawsuit in Wisconsin over what it calls,  the “purposeful disregard of legislative safeguards meant to prevent ballot fraud.”

The court filing highlights five specific areas where the Wisconsin Election Officials failed to guard against potential fraud:

  1. Ignoring or compromising state law limits on the availability of mail-in balloting for those reasonably able to cast a ballot in- person
  2. Proliferating unmanned mail-in ballot drop boxes
  3. Processing and counting vast numbers of mail-in ballots outside the visibility of poll watchers
  4. Reducing or eliminating mandatory voter information certifications for mail-in ballots
  5. Permitting “ballot tampering”

The suit seeks an injunction against electors being appointed, and for that authority to be remanded instead to the state legislature.

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