Arizona Attorney General Files Amicus Brief in Support of Officials Seeking Examination of Dominion Machines

Headlines Politics U.S.

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich has filed an amicus brief in support of GOP officials seeking to examine Dominion voting machines in the state.

The Arizona State Senate Judiciary Committee issued a subpoena to Maricopa County seeking an audit of Dominion machines used in the presidential election.

After initially agreeing to comply, the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors abruptly changed course and responded with a complaint in Arizona Superior Court instead.

GOP officials asked a judge to compel the BOS to comply. The judge struck that request down under the specific law cited by GOP, but left the door open for more litigation citing a law that says the legislature can issue subpoenas by passing a resolution and can then sue to have a judge enforce one that isn’t honored.

Brnovich’s brief filed this week reinforces that legal view and details the legislature’s broad power to subpoena.

“The legislative power to issue subpoenas is inherent in the power to legislate…” Brnovich wrote.

“Consequently, the legislative subpoena power is ‘broad’ and ‘encompasses inquiries concerning the administration of existing laws as well as proposed or possibly needed statutes.’ That power may be exercised by a committee acting on behalf of a legislative body…” Brnovich added.

Scheduling for the lawsuit will be discussed on Monday.

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