Employee for Leonardo Testifies in Court on Role of Defense Contractor in Election Hacking

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An employee for Italian defense firm Leonardo has testified in an Italian court on the operation that saw the U.S. election on Nov. 3 hacked.

The employee whose name is being reported as Arturo D’elio testified that computer systems and military satellites located in Pescara, Italy, were used to manipulate votes in the U.S. on election night.

It has recently been revealed that operatives from several global intelligence agencies (including CIA) manipulated votes in the 2020 election out in various locations in Italy.

7 thoughts on “Employee for Leonardo Testifies in Court on Role of Defense Contractor in Election Hacking

      1. Ever heard of translation? It’s not fake news. It’s actually happening and you’re still denying it.

    1. It says it was delivered to Congress? Why would someone claim to have done such an act, and another person claim to witness it? Sure- Maybe it’s a scandal and they are being paid off. Scandals left and right in this world. But, the person claiming to have altered data, also states he has saved and can produce back up of original results?? Interesting to say the least.

  1. I am convinced this is bona fide. The players in this are easily verified online as being genuine. The video done by D’Elia’s attorney is most convincing. Left leaning rags like USA Today “Fact- Checked” it to death which pretty well proves it to be real to me. Anything that helps PRESIDENT Trump is called a lie by every liar the fake news biz.

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