Affidavit Delivered to Congress Yesterday From Italian Defense Company Employee Confessing to Vote Manipulation in U.S. Election on Nov. 3

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It has now been confirmed that a signed, sworn affidavit was delivered to the U.S. Congress yesterday by individuals acting with an Italian defense company employee in which the employee confesses to manipulating votes in the U.S. election on Nov. 3.

The revelation was made by Maria Zack, Chairwoman of, a government accountability advocacy group in an interview with Debbie Georgatos from posted yesterday.

“D’Elia has been deposed by the presiding judge in Naples and in sworn testimony states on 4 November 2020, under instruction and direction of US persons working from the US Embassy in Rome, undertook the operation to switch data from the US election of 3 November 2020 from significant margin of victory for Donald Trump to Joe Biden in a number of states where Joe Biden was losing the vote totals,” the affidavit signed by employee Arturo D’elio reads.

“Defendant stated he was working in the Pescara facility of Leonardo SpA and utilized military grade cyber warfare encryption capabilities to transmit switched votes via military satellite of Fucino Tower to Frankfurt Germany,” it continues.

“The defendant swears that the data in some cases may have been switched to represent more than total voters registered. The defendant has stated he is willing to testify to all individuals and entities involved in the switching of votes from Donald Trump to Joe Biden when he shall be in total protection for himself and his family. Defendant states he has secured in an undisclosed location the backup of the original data and data switched upon instruction to provide evidence at court in this matter.”

The fact that the affidavit was delivered yesterday afternoon before Congress voted on accepting Electoral College votes for an election accused of being fraudulent makes yesterday’s votes by members of Congress all the more remarkable.

Previous attempts to reach the U.S. State Department and U.S. Embassy Rome for comment on these allegations have so far gone unanswered.

You can read the affidavit in its entirety here.

165 thoughts on “Affidavit Delivered to Congress Yesterday From Italian Defense Company Employee Confessing to Vote Manipulation in U.S. Election on Nov. 3

  1. It’s the evening of January 7th. I watched this awesome video and passed it around to friends and colleagues. The concensus? Trump should fight to have a recount by Congress AFTER the Battleground States do forensic audits! Yet, he sounded today like a man who had given up. What I want to know is…why did he hold on to this affidavit for 2 weeks and not act on it when it is irrefutable proof of the Election being stolen from him?

    1. Because now the members of Congress knowingly committed treason by certifying the electoral votes knowing there was more proof of fraud. Meaning now that can by tried for treason.

      1. No, fool, they did not. And you must be a total moron to believe that the repulsivecans would not be all over it if it existed and was real.

          1. Thank you sir=seems I remember a red letter verse on calling someone a fool=unfortunately there are many of these idiots out there

          1. You must haven’t seen what’s waiting for you wimps full military with tanks are here with bigger bullets than you I hope they demolished you hated and non believers and there are black Gunners on them tanks

        1. So she’s lying to. What is wrong with you? There’s a lot more evidence than what this woman is talking about. The dems and republicans knew and voted anyway. They committed treason by doing this.

          1. And how masterfully executed The President’s plan has been set up and actioned=He is to be admired

        2. Right. Can you find this story on FOX? Nope! Therefore not even they are crazy enough to believe this bullshit. Says a lot.

          1. On fox? Are you serious? You think Fox And all other new outlets are legit. Wow! You have a lot to learn. Better yet, you probably can’t catch up. Sheep

          2. Fox is as corrupt as the rest of them? Why are you following this if you believe mainstream media?

          3. FOX! Are you kidding!? , they wouldn’t speak the truth if it hit them in the face! Come on man, get with it, and research a little. Things have been, and are , happening!

          4. you really should pull your head out of your ass Kyle. Fox didn’t cover it the same reason nbc or cbs or cnn didn’t cover it they are the enemy.

        3. Nope, you are 100% incorrect!! The Rep. are just as corrupt and dirty as the rest of them. You need to stop with your hateful and childish name calling. That helps no one nor does it make you look like a very informed individual. There is a lot of information about this, if you simply take the time to look for it and read it. Name calling and treating others with contempt does nothing and has no useful application to the current events unfolding.

          1. Well, some folks just need a healthy, non-violent way to blow off some steam? Why not give others the benefit of your mercy; at least this guy isn’t going for his gun.

            We all have been told to hush, sit down and play nice; frankly most of us have had enough opf that! This nation is on the verge of civil war because good folks have been lied to and deceived by those that they should be able to trust.

            This is a moment in history that will be talked about into the next century. Be patient and let the players, play. It will come out well for all.

            A wise man named Paul wrote a letter to some folks in a place called Colossae a long time ago who were being persecuted. He told them this, “bear with one another and readily forgive each other, if any one has a grievance against another. Just as the Lord has forgiven you, you also must forgive them. And over all these, put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity; and let the peace which Christ gives settle all questionings in your hearts.

            Bless You.

          2. Hey Chas Fowler! I keep my gun with me at all times. Like my American Express I never leave home without it. I sleep with it. It is warm and comforting and I do know when and how to use it.

        4. I am beginning to think you are right. A lot of talk. Lindsey Graham got arrested at the air port false, the pope got arrested, false. All those tanks coming in are for the inauguration. That was seen on tv. If we can see this so can the democrats China and the rest of the world. Yes I think we are being p,ayes big time. Was that not the moving crew at the White House the other day? I wish this was all true.

        5. The Republicans to which you must be referring are dis-affectionately referred to as RINOs: Republicans in name only. They include such illustrious family names Bush, McCain, Powell (as in Colin), Graham…..need I go on? We shall all just have to wait and see what happens — as the current President is so fond of saying.

        6. It is real. Ms. Mack is from GA and this information has been shared with the Governor and with the GA members of Congress. It’s legit

        7. That’s The entire point! There are many Republicans who are also cooked! This is not simply an R vs D situation

        8. Burns – Do you really believe there was no fraud? Do you believe that the MSM only tell you certain things? Do you like your freedom?

        9. Why would the battleground states suddenly shut down overnight?
          Then Bam! A dump of only Biden votes. What about the video
          showing the 4 scandalous dumbocrats pulling the suitcases from
          under the tables and magically all Biden Fraud Votes (Nothing to see here folks)
          There are hundreds of affidavits of people showing evidence all of types of
          fraud. How about the trucker that was hired to drive ballots from New York to
          Pennsylvania? When he stopped for his break, BAM the truck with all the
          ballots was missing. Then a HUGE increase for Biden again.
          How about the people given VISA gift cards to vote for Biden?
          How about video of poll workers filling in ballots?
          Then you have the MASSIVE fraud of counting 1.13 for every Biden vote
          and .87 for Trump. I cant wait to see what the REAL and ACTUAL votes are
          because it is going to make Biden, his administration and the DUMB sheep
          look really UGLY.

      2. But that (Congressmen committing treason) is no reason for the President (who won the Election) to concede to the fraudster!

        1. Where is the evidence of Trump winning the election?
          I’m sure there are a few incorrect votes but it’s in both sides and if you ask me it’s more likely that people who are willing to kill other people are willing to commit fraud in the election then other doing it, right?

          1. It hapens everywhere; why not here. The liberty and freedoms in america have always been under assault. The assault is now on steroids.

          2. This is not isolated vote fraud. It is the most massive orchestrated election steal in history, the size & scope of which is made possible only by electronic voting systems. It would have been in the works for Trump’s entire term, and to answer the idiotic objection “That type of thing would involve too many people to pull off in secret” I say: EXACTLY.

          3. There is a 272 page pdf with all the evidence in it and now this. You can look it up if you dare.

          4. I may be wasting my time to reply but here goes. Mark Twain said “It is easier to be fooled, than to convince a person they have been fooled” God bless our USA and Donald Trump

          5. The evidence; let me see; how about Pa. having almost 30,000 more mail-in ballots returned than they mailed out? Or maybe The fact that the machine data shows that at 8:00 pm Nov 3 in Ga Trump had 3,500 less votes than he did a hour earlier, explain how he lost votes??? I could go on for an hour, but why should I, we all owe it to truth and to our own heart to listen to both sides. I learned all this by listing to Data Engineers who presented their findings to the Az. state Senate (it was on YouTube). There are lairs everywhere, but these guys were neither Rep or Dem, they were data geeks looking to see if anything hinky went down with the data. When you have 42,000 more votes than you have registered voters in a state; then I think there should be a serious investigation. What do you think? Don’t think you’ll get the truth at a 5 minute pop call with CNN, which has an agenda. Dig it out, the truth is worth the the time it takes to find it. Don’t allow yourself to be a blind sheep, following another blind sheep.

          6. Yes there is a huge amount of evidence , so much that no court wanted to be the one to hear it , from no voter id to poor hack-able voting machines to 96 % of votes in republican districts going to adjudication , so the votes could be switched

        1. Some of you have some of the facts. Yes! This whole year was extremely planned out right down to Covid-19 being released. But none of this started there. It actually goes farther back than Hillary. NSA started the investigation. They knew Hillary was going to use fraud in her eleçtion. Why? Because they were already doing an investigation on Obama. No one questioned why secret service said they would not protect him after he got out of office? Smh! What no one counted on is Trump winning. Which bought NSA time to track down all the players not just a few. Trump’s job was to distract, start calling out player right down to media and mainly piss people off while NSA worked behind the scenes. So while one side had a plan the other did as well. But they had to do it in a way to expose these people as much as possible. Even right done to the head of the DOJ. Everyone is so fixated on Trump no one is looking behind the scenes. For four years he has kept them all and all of us fixated on him.

          1. SO brilliant! Trump played the role of orange-headed idiot tycoon-cum-POTUS and threw sand in our eyes to distract from the serious work of exposing political skullduggery, pedophile rings at top echelons, and break up satanist cuts.We owe this courageous man a huge vote of thanks. May his guardian angels protect him and keep him safe to finish his work.

      3. yes those who knew of the affidavit being given to congress before the count have now committed treason and now will be charged with that crime.

      4. They ignored this and all the evidence. The courts as well. Our country has been taken over. I believe America may be going down. Pray to Jesus and get ready for what’s ahead. Satan is real. He wants his One World Order built and ready for his son the AntiChrist. This is all biblical. It’s here. I’m 62. I knew for decades it would come, but now I’m alive and seeing it. The vaccine passports are the way they will make this universal computerized system to track every single human that is still alive. I also believe this vaccine is part of depopulation by the globalists and Gates. Please accept Christ as your sacrifice for sins and repent. The bible is unfolding at rapid speed. Like a woman giving birth, we are in the last trimester folks. Jesus is about to come.

        Revelation 13:17-18 (KJV)
        17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
        18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

    2. You have no idea what you’re talking about, do you? The “affidavit” was dated YESTERDAY and signed in Rome, Italy YESTERDAY and delivered YESTERDAY when the riot was happening and Congress was in bunkers. It’s just another load of shit conspiracy theory or it would be all over the news. Stupid is as stupid believes.

          1. Beware of the JEW in government, for they are the Spirit of Disorder, the SYNAGOGUE OF SET-UN, the Anti-Christ.

        1. hahahahahahahahaha, only if the 8 democrats who own the news wants you to hear or see it. but they don’t.

      1. You do realize that Rome is seven hours ahead of us right? And that a straight flight from Italy to DC is only nine and a half hours. This is totally a plausible thing

        1. It also could be scanned to PDF and emailed. Would like to see it notarized or the authenticity of the affidavit.

      2. except the news is owned by 8 people who tell YOU what they want you to hear, not necessarily the truth

        1. Everything is being censored now. we are under communism rule. YouTube banning freedom of speech is rich when they make their money off people babbling on videos. They think they can do whatever they want. Everything was staged and it always has been, the Election day of barring observers to observe, counting after 8 pm, staged break-in at Congress, and now they are removing anything related to or pro-Trump from history.

        2. It’s being suppressed and dismissed like all the court cases where the judges wrote thier judgement the night before hearing. Cancel culture at its best.

        3. Where have you been? I know. Watching CNN. The msm would never report truth. Especially if it would help Trump or our country.

        4. Everyone thinks on the left the news media has the info, they are part of the problem why would Trump show his hand to them your the ones who have been listening to them and their conspiracy so turn on your lights and stay tuned.

      3. All over the news? like ABC is gonna run that story? You’re dam right “stupid is as stupid (that would be you) believes.”

      4. Who owns the “news”? Who are the weathy shareholders of the six giant corporations? Are you one of those people who believes CIA tv and CIA search results, where they say if they place one or two pages of results calling anything a “conspiracy theory” that the…in the CIA leadership’s own words…”trained monkeys” will believe it and stop searching.

      5. Wrong the fake news will never report anything positive about trump are you comatose to not see what is going on? Pelosi is frantic and wants to get rid of trump by impeachment so he gets out before shit hits the fan on all the seditious traitors in Congress and DC the swamp deep state!

      6. Burns is willfully ignorant. The unwillingness to investigate says more than your uneducated attempts to discredit. Why not look? It’s obvious.

      7. There must be something there in order for the Big Tech to silence President Trump and all his key supporters first, then they will come to the 80M ordinary supporters like us. If there is nothing to hide, why didn’t any of the courts, even Supreme Court listen to the case for an evidentiary hearing. Let them do the audit and the results, even if it did not change the outcome, at least we know that Biden if won, won fairly. This is a massive fraud, orchestrated and very well-funded.

      8. “All over the news” you say. Is that why I am not able to see videos on YouTube because I’m told they violate community standards and is that why Parler has been shut down? The left is curtailing the news they don’t want us to see nor do they want us to be able to communicate with one another. Go on YouTube and do a search for Donald Trump and see what comes up. If you want to see how he lowered taxes, improved the economy, reduced regulations, supported religious freedom, rebuilt the military or helped improve relations between Israel and neighboring Islamic states you will be out of luck. Instead you will get stories about Nancy Pelosi trying to get him impeached. The Dems and you have a habit of defaming anyone who says anything you and they prefer not to believe.

    3. Some very interesting AND necessary things happened yesterday that are being overlooked because of the MSM narrative.

      1.) We now know who the good guys are and who the bad guys are. Sadly there are many bad guys on each side and it’s clear that there is only one party masquerading as two to destroy our country and hand it over to foreign interests.

      2.) The violence that took place yesterday was planned. ANTIFA were bussed in (approx 250 of them) with many pretending to be MAGA. These people are insurrectionists. Capitol police (or those posing as the police) let them in. We have video footage of this proof. This was clearly part of their plan to disrupt and make sure the votes took place late at night while everyone was sleeping. Notice how quickly all of these politicians had lengthy speeches ready to go about the day’s proceedings. Not to mention Biden’s elaborate statement that was quickly posted in the midst of the activities.

      3.) During the rioting that took place at the Capitol, Trump released a recorded message that was quickly taken down on Twitter and Facebook. This piece is super critical. In the message he stated the following: “…But you have to go home now. We have to have peace. We have to have law and order. We have to respect our great people in law and order….. We have to have peace. So go home …”

      4.) The Insurrection Act (10 USC Ch. 13: INSURRECTION) requires “10 U.S. Code § 254 – Proclamation to disperse” to invoke: “Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.” He doesn’t need to declare that he is invoking the Chapter – he simply needs to make this statement.

      5.) Trump did not concede. He simply said “there will be an orderly transition on January 20th.” No mention of Biden followed by “it’s only the beginning of our fight to Make America Great Again!” Furthermore, Trump spent the night in Abilene, TX at the National Defense Command Center surrounded by military.

      6.) Over the next few days be looking to twitter for exactly this from POTUS: “My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us…….” Then enjoy the show. There are over 220,000 sealed indictments waiting to be unsealed. Many arrests will follow and it will be quick. All roads lead to Rome.

      1. Your picture is next to the word “moron” in the English dictionary. Stop with the lies and conspiracy theories, you are helping to divide and destroy your own country with the BS. If you hate the U.S. that much, move to Russia. Shame on you!

        1. Maybe you have been drinking the Democrats koolaid, our American are under attack, illegal election, attacking a President for 4 years, since when is that normal? Remember poison Pelosi, you have been diminished to being inhuman, unless you change you sex organs!

      2. Let’s pray this all comes clear for all. There is a lot to clean up . Just look at how Trump has been treated his whole time in office . The haters have no basis and the Democrats in office have pathetic ideals for our country .
        Thank you for the post

      3. He was banned on Twitter fb and YouTube. They are also getting rid of foxnews and Parler. They are very afraid of him.

        1. I hadn’t heard about them getting rid of Fox News. Where did you hear that? The president of Fox is a big Democrat. I don’t believe that is true.

          1. According to Simon Parkes, Bill Gates has been served, and FOX retaliated by cancelling Trump’s planned address to the nation. Head are gonna fall. Fasten your seat belt.

      4. He spent more than one night at the Military command center he has been secretly going there for the past two months. And that is right trump never came close to indicating he was going to concede ! CCP has been buying up ranches for three times their worth in Oklahoma and the Bahamas along with buying land in the Virgin Isles they are planning to put camps there for all who resist the libtards agenda people need to wake up biden had to pay people to come to his so called sparse rally’s with maybe a dozen people and had to show the hair on his legs and speak facts over truth in his run for senator! Hahaha! What a joke he is also Jamel toe Harris reminds me of the joker with her fixed fake communist grin! They all have an I two points below lettuce .

        1. Gitmo is open for business! They all deserve a “VACAY” on an island! Jeffery Epstein’s is no longer available…..

    4. My guess is that they are trying to ascertain who is complicit in this. Arturo D’Elia was under direction by US persons – who are those persons? They have to be careful that those who were behind this are not part of those with access to evidence or protecting the witness. Treason is a tricky business.

      1. She said she gave the president a piece of paper on Christmas Eve and told him about it. I don’t know is she handed him the affidavit or just info about it.

    5. He has not conceded he did not give up listen to his words at the end of the speech listen to me very carefully you never said anything about Biden or giving up on the race he said he wouldn’t be at the inauguration on the 20th actually he said he wouldn’t be at Biden’s inauguration on the 20th because there will be no Biden inauguration listen to his words very carefully the guy is a master Craftsman when it comes to speeches

    6. Because he needed all the players, to play their cards, after the Capitol events. Now there is no question of which side each person is on. The media giants have tried and tried to hide the truth for four years. Soon the world will know. I was at the Capitol from 5th-7th and it was the most spiritual and rewarding adventure I have ever done. Absolutely amazing and was portrayed completely differently by the media giants than actually being there onsite. The energy in the air was electric the entire trip. Everyone was singing the Pledge of Allegiance or National Anthem and open group prayers. Never, have I met so many different people, from different parts of the world and USA. Truly magical.

      1. That will be the loyal Lt. General Michael Flynn who can now serve in the VP office after his Presidential pardon! All the way from Australia you heard this! Remember us, for we are with you.

    7. To dave… to my. Knoledge pres waited on this to see who his allies really were in congress.and what rep would turn on him. .it shure was revielied on the 6th. Huh?according to zack she gave papers to pres and Nunes and 2 others at the mar lago christmas party.IT AINT OVER YET….BUT THE SUSPENCE IS KILLIN ME……

    8. Trump is involved in the largest sting operation in world history.

      12 Sep 2018 signs EO 13848. 20 Sep 2018 starts “offensive cyber operations”. Since election Trump has signed several EO’s, fired personnel in key positions I.E. Secretary of Defense Mark Esper.

      Trump and his team watched the fraud in real-time from the SCIF inside the Eisenhower bldg and saw votes being sent to a CIA Server farm in Frankfurt Germany via Barcelona Spain. Trump ordered new SOD Chris Miller to send a SOCOM/JSOC team to confiscate those servers and that was accomplished.

      Servers were turned over to white hat hackers and they pulled log files, algorithms and commands that switched votes from Trump to Biden.

      The enormity of the fraud is the hold up. There are 190,000 – 320,000 indictments in the process of being served.

      Trump didn’t come this far to give up, for 4 years, he’s baited the Democrats in and every time they’ve taken the bait hook, line & sinker.

    9. I’ve heard he didn’t know of it until Christmas Eve. The woman in the interview delivered it to Trump’s Chief of Staff and two members of Congress on January 6th. President Trump only had the knowledge before them.

    10. They had to finish their act of treason by trying to over throw the government by election fraud. They certified the election knowing it was bogus. Thus there punishment is now death. This was like a movie. All of this had to play out this way so the military can take control and prosecute them in a military tribunal. They gave Congress a copy and never told a sole. We cannot blame Trump for not making it public until he figured out if it was real and how it was going to fit in to the end game. That’s my take.

    11. I cannot believe you believe this crap. IF this were true why has it not been made public and why have the Republican held Senate acted on it? They have not because it’s FALSE. Take your head out of the dirt.

      1. Do you know anything about covert operations?……What about collecting sensitive intelligence?……..Or how about anything to do with military logistics to enforce operations regarding the take down of any threat?………..My guess is……YOU DONT! If you did you would actually realize that if all of this is happening the way it is being broken down, Trump did the right thing by keeping it under wraps, why would he give the goods away and allow them to flee from justice for their crimes!

        Something else everyone needs to realize, not a single person is safe from what they have done or said because the NSA has collected everything and it doesn’t matter what position you hold in office, your crimes have been recorded! No one is exempt!!

    12. The affidavit was given to just congress first on purpose. This was to secure that they had this affidavit for a few weeks but still went ahead with certifying the fraudulent election. Trump didn’t get the affidavit until the Mar a Lago party and a lady from Italy had given it to trump on New Year’s Eve. This was done on purpose so that we can wheedle out the evil ones and take them down with proof.

    13. Because it would still have been ignored by the Dems, the Left and Socialist pigs like AOC and her PMS Squad. Biden used all of his criminal influences as well as his family to help steal the vote. His wife will be first whore as a first lady as she was still married when her and Biden started screwing. Harris is a whore because she screwed her way to the top. The whole mess is because of a Deep State Government.

      1. Hi Dave, was able to update with a video from another source. Thanks for pointing this out. -Mike

  2. You mean the affidavit dated January 6, 2021, at Rome, Italy was magically delivered on the same day at 1:12 PM to Congress in the bunkers while the rioting and destruction was going on? Sure, what a whackadoodle!

    1. Faxes and emails didn’t stop working. Even on your phones you can get email notifications. What kinda knuckle dragging loser are you?

    1. Be afraid very afraid. Watch social dilemma on Netflix, you will never want to be on social media again.

  3. If you watch the above video interview of Ms. Zack, you’ll see that she mentions that on Christmas Eve, she handed the President proof of the Italy tech confession. Perhaps I was wrong to say it was “an affidavit”. It COULD have been ANOTHER, earlier affidavit regarding the same person. Thanks for the correction!

  4. I hope to God this is true and we will soon see all the guilty persons, Republicans and Democrats, tried for treason.
    Also, the video footage from the so called breach of congress was such a totally staged operation it was laughable. I am truly sorry that lives were lost but put the blame where it deserves to be – with those who planned this.

  5. An affidavit, in and of itself, is not proof. It is evidence and there is a difference between evidence and proof. So, I would not expect Congress to hold up the vote due to one affidavit. If this is true, they need to produce that data backup and it needs to be done in a Congressional hearing. Will that happen? I don’t know. Should it happen? If they can provide the data backup, yes. They should also allow a forensics audit of the ballots and machines. We the people own all of those ballots and equipment and in the name of transparency, we should be able to request that audit. If people are so very certain that nothing shady happened, then they should want the solid proof. I don’t want to hear about wasted time and money because there was wasted time and money on impeachment where the Dems knew it would go nowhere. There are at least 75 million Americans that think the election was rigged. Most of them are Republicans, but almost 20% of Democrats also believe it was rigged. In order to restore confidence in our elections and to get some badly needed election reform, we need to have these investigations.

    1. They have the evidence. Just like we do on the election fraud in the swing states. The lawyers have been working hard to get judges to look at evidence but they won’t. States refuse to let anyone audit the machines. And no one has made them. They are running rogue. this is an attemp at a coup.

    2. By now there are a couple of hundred million Americans plus at least a couple of billion others worldwide who more than just “think” the US election was stolen.


  6. Exactly, Emelia! He was waiting for Congress to certify, which then COMPLETED the treasonous crime! We will see what happens next. Brilliant man, our President!

    1. So you mean he planned from the beginning to convict all Republicans in the Senate and house and the vice president. Sound very likely, hahah

      1. This operation did not just begin with Trump being elected to the presidency…. this has been ongoing since JFK was President….. he was murdered a year after the effort to take down the corrupt political regime….. so your own research…. do your own thinking… don’t just drink the kool-aid…. someone above said follow the money….. that’s good advice….. keep watching America…. we are about to witness history being made in our great America…..

  7. Funny, I have been tweeting, parlering, Posting Insurrection Act for the last 2 MONTHS!!!You can bet you can find it on twitter. THIS this has put it all together! Great Job Susann!! Can’t wait for the show!

    Maca…you need to learn how to spell MAGA!

    “Stay Wiser than the Serpent’s.”
    Next ‘Q’uestion?
    cc Trump
    "We The People Revival"

    1. Right if it was even close to true the evedince would be in US the day after christmas and by now everything would have been showed to everyone to see one way or another. So it’s just BS

      1. The problem is will this evidence be exposed or will the media powers keep it suppressed? Will Congress deny the evidence and move on to Biden? Everyone in power is against the truth and ignoring the rights of the people.

  9. Hi Dave. It is my understanding that he held onto it for two weeks because he had to allow their act of treason to be sealed by the certification of Biden.

  10. This is a HOAX. It claims that an Italian hacker had used Italian military facilites to hack the election in the US and flip votes from Trump to Biden. IT IS TOTALLY FALSE.

    I have researched this in the Italian press. There is indeed a hacker named Arturo D’Elia, and he did indeed work at the Italian defense contractor Leonardo SpA. And yes, he was arrested for hacking. But that is where the truth stops. Arturo D’Elia was arrested and indicted for hacking operations conducted in 2015 and 2017, during which time he and an accomplice stole over 10GB of sensitive military data from Leonardo SpA. The hack was discovered in 2017 and everything at Leonardo has been strictly analyzed since then.

    This is a classic hoax, where they take a little bit of truth and spin it into something totally false. Here is an Italian site that debunks the hoax if you want to use Google translate  Here is a small passage: “Since January 2017, everything passed through Leonardo has been carefully examined and checked, precisely because they are aware of the attack they had suffered. An attack that however “limited” itself to intercepting what was typed on the machines connected to the system, we are talking about 94 workstations. Not thousands of modified votes overseas.”…/

    Here is the REAL story of the hack at Leonardo SpA, as reported by Reuters:

    1. I don’t believe this is a hoax this guy was arrested on Dec 5th 2020. The police have found he has been hacking since 2015 and they confiscated files from 2015-2017. When he was arrested on Dec 5th 2020 he confessed to hacking into the US elections and switched votes from Trump to Biden. See article

  11. “utilized military grade cyber warfare encryption capabilities to transmit switched votes via military satellite”

    To anyone with the slightest bit of technical knowledge, the above sentence is a telltale sign that the author has absolutely no idea what he’s talking about, and derives his infosec knowledge from Hollywood movies, if he isn’t completely delusional.

    There is no such thing as “military-grade cyber warfare encryption capability”. There hasn’t been a difference between commercial-grade and military-grade encryption for the last 20 years. Nor is encryption a “cyber-warfare capability”, as it is an entirely defensive technology.

    Cyber-warfare anonymity techniques involve VPNs, compromised servers, and botnets. A few powerful state actors use satellite links for the last hop to obscure the physical location of the receiver, but for this they would use commercial communications satellites, not a military satellite that would be a dead giveaway for attribution.

  12. It’s not all that difficult to find out if members of Congress actually received this on Jan 6. Somone in the position to do so could simply ask the ones that chose to object that day. I have not heard one politician on either side stand up and say they actually received this. That would make me more confident.

  13. We need to pray for our country, our president, our military, police forces, and ourselves and our families. Be prepared with food, water, gasoline, and as much cash as you can. We can speculate til the cows come home, but it’s kinda like a blizzard warning, it sure is best to be prepared and have nothing happen at all than ignore the possibilities and get stranded with no advanced planning.May God continue to bless us all, President Trump, and our country.1

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