Constitutional Lawyer Who Says He Has Reviewed Evidence Put Forth by Leonardo Contractor Who Witnessed U.S. Election Interference Operation in Italy Recounts Affidavit via Video

Headlines Politics U.S. Videos

Updated Jan. 22, 2021 2:40pm

Professor Alfio D’Urso, an Italian constitutional lawyer who says he has reviewed evidence put forth by the man who claims to have witnessed the operation to interfere with the U.S. election in Italy on election night, has released a video detailing his sworn affidavit.

That written affidavit was reportedly delivered to members of the U.S. Congress on Wednesday. Remarkably, the vote to certify the 2020 election results – even though evidence may exist that those results are fraudulent – went forward.

The witness, a man by the name of Arturo D’Elia, claims to have taken part in an operation in which operatives from various intelligence agencies remotely manipulated votes from several locations in Italy, including the U.S. Embassy in Rome, and used military satellites owned and operated by Italian defense contractor Leonardo SpA to do it.

The revelations are being brought to light with the help of Maria Zack, Chairwoman of, a government accountability advocacy group based in Florida. Zack reportedly has received intercepts, photos and records of phone calls from the Italian intelligence service which is helping to bring the allegations to light.

D’Elia says he is willing to testify to all individuals and entities who participated in the scheme, which allegedly involved the switching of votes from Donald Trump to Joe Biden on election night.

Significantly, D’Elia says he has made data backups of the original data and the data after the switches the operatives were instructed to make, and is willing to provide that evidence in court.

Requests for comment from various members of Congress, including Speaker Pelosi and Sen. Chuck Schumer have so far gone unanswered.

A previous version of this article identified Mr. D’Urso as Mr. D’Elia’s lawyer. That was incorrect. According to Nations in Action Mr. D’Urso is a constitutional lawyer in Italy who was hired by NIA to independently verify Mr. D’Elia’s claims.

23 thoughts on “Constitutional Lawyer Who Says He Has Reviewed Evidence Put Forth by Leonardo Contractor Who Witnessed U.S. Election Interference Operation in Italy Recounts Affidavit via Video

  1. This is a HOAX. It purports to claim that an Italian hacker had used Italian military facilites to hack the election in the US and flip votes from Trump to Biden. IT IS TOTALLY FALSE. I have researched this in the Italian press. There is indeed a hacker named Arturo D’Elia, and he did indeed work at the Italian defense contractor Leonardo SpA. And yes, he was arrested for hacking. But that is where the truth stops. Arturo D’Elia was arrested and indicted for hacking operations conducted in 2015 and 2017, during which time he and an accomplice stole over 10GB of sensitive data from Leonardo SpA. The hack was discovered in 2017 and everything at Leonardo has been strictly analyzed since then.

    This is a classic hoax, where they take a little bit of truth and spin it into something totally false. Here is an Italian site that debunks the hoax if you want to use Google translate  Here is a small passage: “Since January 2017, everything passed through Leonardo has been carefully examined and checked, precisely because they are aware of the attack they had suffered. An attack that however “limited” itself to intercepting what was typed on the machines connected to the system, we are talking about 94 workstations. Not thousands of modified votes overseas.”…/

    Meanwhile, here is the REAL story of the hack at Leonardo SpA, as reported by Reuters:

    1. So, you are stating, for the record that Attorney, Professor Alfio D’Urso is a liar and has falsified his statements?

    2. What are you a Fact checker ? Alfio D’Urso is an Italian lawyer and university Proffessor.
      Arturo D’Elia worked for the Justice Department and the cops as well as bing hooked up with NATO ..
      Obviously the Italian MSM isnot going to talk about this they are busy fear mongering with the Plandenic ..

      1. I will tell you what he is. He is a POS demonrat who does not want the story to come out. Pelosi and Schumer have not reported on this, even tho the had the information sent to them. They are also demonrats who do not want this story to come out. But guess what SCUMBAGS, this story will come out and will send all of you to military tribunals. Get your affairs in order because you will soon be charged with TREASON.

    3. I am just a curious person coming here and I see your comment and read the fact checker report you are inserting
      and it is based on no facts. the facts are that the person is investigated for actions in 2015 & 2017. more facts
      are that he was in place to do something like he claims. another thing is that he is trying to trade his alleged
      knowledge for protection.
      What those fact checkers are confused about is why would a respectable lawyer swear on a declaration. that is
      a pretty simple thing to do if you do not have information that you are swearing to a lie.
      Here is a logical thing: why would you confess to something so explosive and specifically claim to own certain
      things when not having it would expose you to the wrath of an entire system? surely the lawyer explained that to
      that person. being an higher up in a defense contractor’s it shows he is not stupid as well.
      Until we know much more, we have nothing and the nice lady with a certain track record claims to have verified
      many things. true or not is yet to be shown, but your half truth comment carry very little in substance. sorry.

    4. Love how you are trying to confuse two stories. Yes a separate event included arrests of two for hacking that occured in 2015 and 2017, but that is a separate event (possibly realted) that has nothing to do with this event. Go to for details of this recent event.

    5. Fact checkers are biased groups or individuals that spread the truth they want everyone to believe. This doesn’t mean that is the real truth. Stop calling this a hoax, you don’t know that for sure as your sources could be inaccurate. Wait until the investigation is done, and see what information comes to light before jumping on the hoax train. The last 4 years have been extremely sketchy, and the people deserve to know the truth. Trying to kill these stories with fact-checking bias, only makes us want to know more.

      1. true, fact checkers are all one sided and only fact check things they do not want people to believe. Very little facts follow fact checkers . Its ridiculous!

    6. So you’re saying this lawyer, in Italy, who has nothing to gain from this, and no ties to the US, is lying? The affidavit he read isn’t real? I’m gonna say you’re lying. 17987 dead ppl voted in mich. Ga- 10315 dead ppl voted. 66214 children voted, and mich more on Ga. Ari- 32k illegals voted. 22k mail in ballots were received before they were even mailed out. 50k votes were loaded belt the election started. 2k registered to the same empty lot. 150k registered after the deadline. 296,589 votes still need adjudication. Nev- 4105 illegals voted. 15k voted in another state. 1045 dead ppl voted. 19k non residents voted. PA- 680k votes counted without a republican witness allowed to watch. 100k fake ballots driven from ny to pa, the driver turned himself in. 450k ballots counted with no name, or address on them, and just 1 vote for potus. This went on in EVERY STATE!! Why do you think thr dems were in courts the weeks and days leading up to the election, with 300 cases, to try and change voting laws? They saw the crowds, they knew what was coming. They needed to cheat, and knew it. Over 500k dead ppl voted, this numbers are exact because it’s so easy to investigate. Wanna bet who 99% of them rose from the dead to vote for? Now, let me ask u another question, what in the world do you think they were doing in that Georgia video? Seriously? The 4 of them told everyone else there was a watermain break they had to evacuate. But they stayed? Yep. Pulled out boxes of ballots from under fully covered tables and started counting again. Ruby freeman was seen clearly putting ballots through 3 times each. What did your brainwashed eyes see? 5yrs ago, before you were brainwashed, you would of said that was fraud. Absolutely no doubt about it. Let me ask you another. You really thought joe would come back at 3am wed morning v in those 4 states, being behind Berrien 140k-700k votes with the election almost over? Really? Do you know that the odds were of that? 1 in 1 quadrillions to the 4th power!! That’s like you winning the powerball 3x in a row. Get this too, at 3am Wednesday morning, being behind 140k-700k votes in those 4 states, guess what happened? The machine, JUST IN THOSE 4 STATES, all shut down at the same time, then turned back on at the same time. 5 years ago, before you were brainwashed, you would of said clear fraud happened. Now you’re a brainwashed little puppy, how does it feel?

    7. So Joe… You researched it through the “media” did you? What media companies did you investigate through and just where did the media get its information? Who owns those media companies?

      Media is NOT a reliable source of data in “any” investigation, it is nothing more than hearsay unless there is credible verifiable evidence to support the reporting. Do you have those sources and did you fact check them before writing this? Reliable sources would be eye witnesses and direct physical evidence either supporting or denying said evidence.

      Sworn affidavit and lawyer/ Advocate testimony are “real” evidence in a court of law. There’s this little thing called perjury that helps prevent statements like yours (were it under oath) being admitted as fact.

      The worlds media (90% of it) is owned and controlled by just 6 companies. All have political agenda (research CIA project Mockingbird).

      Your propaganda campaign fails the sniff test. Your nocuous investigation of the report is a pitiful hack and not worth the time it took you to write it, nor that for us to read it.

      Just stop…

  2. Any one who believes there was not an incredible conspiracy to have beijing beat trump is to say the least not only a fool but a damn liar .

  3. The Democrats are acting like the fraud is real. How else can you explain the troops in the capitol and the flurry of Executive orders? All actions of someone hurrying before they get caught.

    1. the troops in DC prove they are very afraid of something, I suspect they are afraid of the truth, and what will happen when that truth spills into the general public.

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