Maria Zack: Patriots in Italy Are Working to Expose ItalyGate

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Chairwoman of Maria Zack says it is patriotic Italians that are responsible for exposing the interference that took place in the U.S. presidential election.

Zack and NIA are working with those brave men and woman to bring the truth of what happened on Nov. 3 to light.

Zack says it was researching the work of billionaire financier George Soros that ultimately led to her being in a position to receive the information she has received so far.

Her organization learned that over the last several years “George Soros had targeted multiple states in America that he was going to start unraveling. And it was Maryland, Arizona, Florida and Georgia. And we saw them take people to camps to teach and indoctrinate them into socialist activities,” Zack says.

NIA grew into doing research in that area because it needed to understand how Soros’ people were infiltrating and implementing these activities, especially at the voting booth, Zack says.

It was through that work, and as Zack says “as divine intervention would have it,” that she met with people who had “extraordinary” contacts in Italy. Those contacts were “patriotic, God-fearing people who love America, understand what we did in WWII and are willing to stand up and fight for our country, not just theirs,” Zack says.

Those Italians were repulsed by the infiltration and by what they were seeing come out of the United States Embassy in Italy that had to do with election fraud.

Zack says NIA is in possession of evidence that proves operatives from intelligence agencies all over the world conspired to interfere in the U.S. election, and did so from several locations in Italy – including U.S. Embassy Rome – using technological infrastructure owned and operated by billion-dollar Italian defense contractor Leonardo SpA.

In an interview with Daniel Bernard of Somebody Cares Tampa Bay, a Florida-based Christian charitable organization, Zack gives additional information on the information she possesses and what she anticipates unfolding over the coming days and weeks.

She reveals, for example, that the software that was used actually contains the actual votes that shows that “President Trump won by huge margins – very huge,” she says.

She also reveals that she’s given government officials pictures of individuals who appear to be CIA agents who traveled on British passports allegedly to carry the plan out. NIA is also now in possession of a video deposition given by Italy’s premiere constitutional attorney and will be posting that video imminently.

Zack says witnesses and law enforcement investigators are willing to come to America and talk about what they’ve seen. NIA has even tried to get visas for those individuals to get them here. Some of them have actually boarded planes bound for the U.S. but right before their scheduled departure, were pulled off and told their paperwork was insufficient.

Perhaps most troubling is the fact that Zack once again attests to giving this information – including affidavits – to members of Congress, but having nothing come of it. “I really thought something was going to happen…but nothing really happened.”

“It became very clear to us the only way we’re going to win this is through the faith lines,” she adds.

Zack’s interview runs from about the 7-minute mark until the 33-minute mark in the video above.

(The video above may not be working for those using the Safari internet browser. You can find the original video here and on the Nations In Action #ItalyDidIt website here.)

4 thoughts on “Maria Zack: Patriots in Italy Are Working to Expose ItalyGate

  1. I shared your story on Facebook and both USA Today and Reuters fact checkers claim the story is totally bogus. i have heard nothing from president Trump about it and get no reply from congressmen I have contacted about it. What do you have to say about that?

  2. They won’t even listen to people here who witnessed irregularities. The Chinese have sex videos on all these scum bags with little Chinese underage girls. Congressmen have been taken on “luxury trips” for years and almost all of them have been filmed in the nasty.

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