Wherein the Plot to Steal the Election is Apparently Revealed

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In what can only be described as a display of arrogance, progressives have seemingly laid out exactly how the 2020 election was stolen. Time Magazine has published a lengthy piece on the forces that came together to make sure Donald Trump would not remain in the White House – regardless of the true vote count on Nov. 3.

Published from the “bizarro-world” view that the actions were taken to protect democracy rather than attack it, the piece gives a blow-by-blow account of the forces that combined to undermine the election.

Below are excerpts from the expose followed by brief annotations that explain what we feel is the truth behind what’s being communicated:

The group had no name, no leaders and no hierarchy, but it kept the disparate actors in sync. “Pod played a critical behind-the-scenes role in keeping different pieces of the movement infrastructure in communication and aligned,” says Maurice Mitchell, national director of the Working Families Party.

Mike Podhorzer Assistant to the President for Strategic Research at the AFL-CIO, the nation’s largest labor union is identified by Time as being the “architect” of the campaign. The loose organization did not declare any public or official affiliation, working together only behind the scenes and in secret.

The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative chipped in $300 million.

We have detailed how Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg donated an inordinate amount of money to states and localities for the purposes of the election. For example, ballot drop boxes funded by Zuckerberg through his foundations were seemingly rigged (or at least used) to help Democrats get more of their voters’ ballots counted more than Republicans.

[Former Denver election official who heads the nonpartisan National Vote at Home Institute Amber] McReynolds’ two-year-old organization became a clearinghouse for a nation struggling to adapt. The institute gave secretaries of state from both parties technical advice on everything from which vendors to use to how to locate drop boxes. Local officials are the most trusted sources of election information, but few can afford a press secretary, so the institute distributed communications tool kits. In a presentation to Podhorzer’s group, McReynolds detailed the importance of absentee ballots for shortening lines at polling places and preventing an election crisis.

The propaganda effort to push for the use of mail-in voting despite a long history of it being understood as rife with abuse was vast.

Efforts by left-wing activists to normalize the use of mail-in ballots began months in advance.

The solution [veteran progressive operative Laura Quinn] concluded, was to pressure platforms to enforce their rules, both by removing content or accounts that spread disinformation and by more aggressively policing it in the first place. “The platforms have policies against certain types of malign behavior, but they haven’t been enforcing them,” she says.

Leftist groups worked with social media platforms to silence voices that called for election integrity or challenged any of the fraud taking place. Quinn’s research showed that “engaging” with the content only amplified it on social media platforms. Instead posts, and eventually accounts, were simply removed.

Dick Gephardt, the Democratic former House leader turned high-powered lobbyist, spearheaded one coalition. “We wanted to get a really bipartisan group of former elected officials, Cabinet secretaries, military leaders and so on, aimed mainly at messaging to the public but also speaking to local officials–the secretaries of state, attorneys general, governors who would be in the eye of the storm–to let them know we wanted to help,” says Gephardt, who worked his contacts in the private sector to put $20 million behind the effort.

More money comes in from leftist groups to support local officials who do not mount challenges to election fraud. A major PR push gets underway.

The organization’s tracking polls found the message was being heard: the percentage of the public that didn’t expect to know the winner on election night gradually rose until by late October, it was over 70%. A majority also believed that a prolonged count wasn’t a sign of problems.

The propaganda works.

Most analysts had recognized there would be a “blue shift” in key battlegrounds– the surge of votes breaking toward Democrats, driven by tallies of mail-in ballots– but they hadn’t comprehended how much better Trump was likely to do on Election Day. “Being able to document how big the absentee wave would be and the variance by state was essential,” the analyst says.

Absentee and mail-in ballots by the millions proved essential to countering the number of pro-Trump votes on Election Day. Integrity advocates have claimed for months that the number of votes President Trump got was so high that rigged-voting-machine algorithms broke. That’s what led to the late-night vote dumps.

The racial-justice uprising sparked by George Floyd’s killing in May was not primarily a political movement. The organizers who helped lead it wanted to harness its momentum for the election without allowing it to be co-opted by politicians. Many of those organizers were part of Podhorzer’s network, from the activists in battleground states who partnered with the Democracy Defense Coalition to organizations with leading roles in the Movement for Black Lives.

Time Magazine appears to be admitting here the civil unrest of last spring and summer was geared toward the election. That is consistent with the fact that it was only when those actions seemed to be working against election polling that they subsided.

The summer uprising had shown that people power could have a massive impact. Activists began preparing to reprise the demonstrations if Trump tried to steal the election. “Americans plan widespread protests if Trump interferes with election,” Reuters reported in October, one of many such stories. More than 150 liberal groups, from the Women’s March to the Sierra Club to Color of Change, from Democrats.com to the Democratic Socialists of America, joined the “Protect the Results” coalition. The group’s now defunct website had a map listing 400 planned postelection demonstrations, to be activated via text message as soon as Nov. 4. To stop the coup they feared, the left was ready to flood the streets.

Leftist groups planned well in advance to hit the streets in mass protests. Other organizations planned to completely shut American streets and commerce down in the days after the election. Interestingly, the website for “Protect the Results” no longer exists. It was registered in February 2020 for one year only, according to records. Here is what it looked like in the days just before the election on Nov. 2, 2020.

But behind the scenes, the business community was engaged in its own anxious discussions about how the election and its aftermath might unfold. The summer’s racial-justice protests had sent a signal to business owners too: the potential for economy-disrupting civil disorder.

The riots of the summer seem to have had a chilling effect. The message to the community was clear: Challenge our actions in any way and we’ll burn your businesses to the ground. A message that was heard by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts who allegedly refused to hear election fraud cases – in defiance of Supreme Court precedence – because of “riots.”

But Bradley wanted to send a broader, more bipartisan message. He reached out to Podhorzer, through an intermediary both men declined to name. Agreeing that their unlikely alliance would be powerful, they began to discuss a joint statement pledging their organizations’ shared commitment to a fair and peaceful election. They chose their words carefully and scheduled the statement’s release for maximum impact. As it was being finalized, Christian leaders signaled their interest in joining, further broadening its reach.

Forces align against Donald Trump. ITN reached to U.S. Chamber of Commerce Executive Vice President and Chief Policy Officer Neil Bradley to identify this mysterious “intermediary” who “helped” American democracy in this way. No answer was given at the time of this writing. If these machinations were so honorable why would anyone decline to be associated with them?

But Podhorzer was unperturbed when I spoke to him [election] night: the returns were exactly in line with his modeling. He had been warning for weeks that Trump voters’ turnout was surging. As the numbers dribbled out, he could tell that as long as all the votes were counted, Trump would lose.

The confidence of the alleged conspirators: They apparently knew no matter what the true margin of victory was for President Trump they had the machine algorithms and the paper ballots to back their fraudulent numbers up.

While he was talking, Fox News surprised everyone by calling Arizona for Biden. The public-awareness campaign had worked: TV anchors were bending over backward to counsel caution and frame the vote count accurately. The question then became what to do next.

We’ve reported on the bizarreness of Fox News’ call of Arizona early on election night. Some speculate it was a “signal” to other states to stop counting while the vote dumps were being organized, as all battleground states stopped reporting soon after Fox made that call.

The planned day of celebration happened to coincide with the election being called on Nov. 7. Activists dancing in the streets of Philadelphia blasted Beyoncé over an attempted Trump campaign press conference; the Trumpers’ next confab was scheduled for Four Seasons Total Landscaping outside the city center, which activists believe was not a coincidence.

All the major news networks called the race for Joe Biden on Saturday November 7, 2020 at about 11:30am EST – the perfect day and time for “spontaneous” street celebrations to erupt.

They flooded the Wayne County canvassing board’s Nov. 17 certification meeting with on-message testimony; despite a Trump tweet, the Republican board members certified Detroit’s votes.

We’ve reported extensively on Wayne County Canvassing Board Member Monica Palmer who says a “compromise” getting her to certify the results of Wayne County, MI, was not in good faith.

After enduring two hours of harassment and threats during a public commentary period in the days after the election, the vice chair of the canvassing board Jonathan C. Kinloch (D) pulled Palmer into a back area the night the vote to certify was held and told her state Democratic officials were prepared to offer a compromise: the conduct of a full audit of the results in exchange for Palmer voting to certify. Palmer agreed. But immediately after the vote, Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson (D) announced any agreement made during board of canvassers meeting was “non-binding.” Palmer says her vote was conditional upon the full audit being conducted. She subsequently tried – in vain – to rescind her vote.

“There’s an impulse for some to say voters decided and democracy won. But it’s a mistake to think that this election cycle was a show of strength for democracy. It shows how vulnerable democracy is.” Quote attributed to Angela Peoples, director for the Democracy Defense Coalition

Their plans having worked to a T, a blueprint has been created for undermining American democracy for elections to come.

Users on social media are seeing right through this piece, however.

You can read the article in its entirety here.

2 thoughts on “Wherein the Plot to Steal the Election is Apparently Revealed

  1. Zuckerberg truly needs to be held accountable and be charged with TREASON in my opinion. At a minimum he interfered and bought himself a US election.

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