Why the Left Hates the Nuclear Family

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Economist and author Thomas Sowell joined Pete Robinson on Uncommon Knowledge several years ago to talk about the professional left’s hatred of the nuclear family. It is , Sowell says, one of the main tenets of communism.

“The first draft of the communist manifesto which [Friedrich] Engels wrote specifically wanted to dismember the family and [Karl] Marx decided that that wasn’t gonna fly. So when he rewrote it he left that out. But…if you follow the left back over the past two centuries you see in there one way or another where they try to undermine the decision-making autonomy of the family,” Sowell says.

“It’s part of the whole thing of third parties wanting to make decisions for which they pay no price,” he adds. “When the parent raises the child the wrong way the parent pays the price when the child goes down the tubes. But these third parties can sit back in their – wherever they are, in Washington or whatever – and if the things they tell us turn out to be wrong it doesn’t hurt them.”

For the world’s elite, which Sowell refers to pejoratively as the “anointed,” it’s not about the welfare of the people they rule over but about control.

“Ordinary people leading their own lives without any need to seek direction from above, from the anointed, that annoys them. Otherwise they would be cut out of this loop entirely.” Sowell says.

Sowell cites statistics on sex education in schools as a prime example.

“Before we introduced sex education into the schools in the [19]60s the rate of venereal disease had been going down every single year,” Sowell says. “Teenage pregnancy had been going down every single year…the rate of infection for gonorrhea in 1960 was half of what it was in 1950. So all these things were going down before the left came into the schools with their sex education and all these things reversed and shot up immediately afterwards.”

“But nobody who pushed that paid any price for it,” he added.

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