Covid19 & Vaccines Are Perfectly-Crafted Binary Bio-Warfare Weapon Says Dr. Lee Merritt

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Dr. Lee Merritt believes Covid19 and the related vaccines – are a perfectly-crafted bio-warfare weapon.

“This is a perfect binary weapon,” Merritt says. “There’s no way I know exactly what that mRNA is programmed to do and neither do you or neither do most doctors. The doctors can’t get at that data.That’s the guys at the very top of this project. They know but we don’t know. They say it’s to the spike protein but how do we prove it? We don’t know.”

“So if I were china and I wanted to take down our military, that’s easy. I make…something I could hook onto this coronavirus, like the spike protein or something else, another protein and I just…make it an mRNA to that.”

“But I know it doesn’t exist in nature so nobody’s going to die from the vaccine. And then two years later I release the…counterpart and it causes this immune enhancement death. So it’s a delayed death. That’s what binary poisons are, they’re delayed. I give you part one…then I can walk away. And then you accidentally get in contact with part two and die. And you can’t trace it to me because I’m long gone,” Merritt says.

Merritt has been an orthopedic spinal surgeon for 27 years. She has also studied bio-weapons, interning at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, MD. She has also spent 10 years as a military surgeon. She is a recipient of the Lewis Goldstein fellowship in spinal surgery, the only woman to ever receive the award.

Last month she sat for an interview with Alex Newman of The New American, where she talked about Covid and what she sees as the dangers surrounding the Covid vaccines that have come to market.

“I figured this out but then I was confirmed by a Taiwanese engineer on an airplane I was on one night. And he said…the reason [Taiwan] didn’t get hit badly with this virus, they figured it out right away, is that they don’t listen to what the Chinese Communist Party propaganda news [says]…they don’t listen to them. What they do is they have a whole department that screens their social media and when they see something get censored they start looking at it that that must be the truth. Now that’s something that we should start appreciating here in America today.”

“So I’m gonna tell you, I believed early on in February that this was a biologically manipulated bio-weapon because the minute that anybody popped up with data suggesting that they were censored. You know, the old military air pilot dictum that when you’re catching flack you’re over the target. So I believe that,” she says.

Merrit says vaccinating individuals to prevent against coronaviruses is misguided because treatments for such viruses exist. Vaccines exist because initially there was no treatment for a disease like smallpox, for example. In that case developing and administering a vaccine made scientific sense.

But Merritt says Covid19 is a virus with a 99.91% survival rate, and it’s a virus for which effective treatment exists.

“Why don’t they want you to know [that]? Well the $69 billion vaccine industry goes to zero. But even more than that, if we are at bio-warfare right now, as a part of this multi-dimensional warfare, if you have a treatment in your back pocket they cannot terrorize you with viruses.”

“That’s important because…even if you believe this type of vaccine will work – which I don’t – even if you believe that, it’s not a permanent solution. Viruses are all around us. They’re part of nature. We’ve lived with them for millennia. We’ll live with them hopefully – if we survive all this – we’ll live another few millennial with them.”

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