Knut Wittkowski: “You Cannot Fight the Spread of a Respiratory Disease”

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Knut Wittkowski sat for an interview last July to talk about Covid19 and what he saw were the serious errors governments made in their respondses to the pandemic. His observations warrant renewed attention as they are even more prescient today, a year after the initial outbreak in the States.

“You cannot fight the spread of a respiratory disease,” Wittkowski, a renowned epidemiologist, said. “Every respiratory disease spreads until we have herd immunity. Meaning until about half of the population are immune and at that point in time the virus cannot spread any more and the epidemic is over.”

Trying to fight such a natural progression is akin to trying to stop the tide from coming in, Wittkowski said. “Viruses are like the tide. It’s a power of nature that we cannot stem. We can direct it a bit…but we cannot stop the tide.”

He finds it “troubling” that no epidemiologists were included on the country’s Covi19 task force – only doctors and virologists.

“MD’s and epidemiologists do things very differently…an MD studies the interaction between a virus and a single patient. A virologist…studies the interaction between a virus and human tissue. An epidemiologist studies the spread of a virus in the population, which requires relatively complicated mathematical models to understand the complexity of it. How it happens that a virus enters a population, herd immunity builds up and then the virus goes and is eliminated.”

“Understanding these things is something entirely different from studying the structure or the effect of a virus or the effect of a virus on a particular human. And having nobody with experience in epidemiology on the team definitely was one of the reasons that this was handled so badly.”

He spoke at length about the change of the definition of the word “case” in the middle of the pandemic.

“The surge of cases is being caused by the definition of ‘cases’ being changed. It used to be that to become a case you would have to go to the emergency room with severe symptoms of an influenza-like illness,” Wittkowski said. “And then you were tested. And if you were positive then these severe symptoms were attributed to the virus.”

“Now people get tested on the street, because they’re curious, or whatever reason. And if they’re positive, they’re being called a ‘case.’ They are not a ‘case.’ They are infected. The majority of people who become infected will not fall ill. Will not have symptoms. So they will never become a case, as the word was used before.”

“So the meaning of the word ‘case’ has been changed during the data collection of an epidemic and that is, for an epidemiologist and for everybody else, the worst thing that can happen,” Wittkowski added.

“We are now being told there is a surge of cases in the South. That is true. Because people have changed. They’re now calling apples oranges. And now there are many oranges, many more than there were before, before they called apples oranges,” Wittkowski said.

You can watch Wittkowski’s interview in its entirety here.

2 thoughts on “Knut Wittkowski: “You Cannot Fight the Spread of a Respiratory Disease”

  1. PCR test is a fraud as it was not made to test for a virus. The labs are using cycles as high as 45 which creates like 95% false positives

    1. I’m not sure why this test was allowed, when it wasn’t properly tested itself. Makes it seem like it was done on purpose to get the desired results they want. That worked in their favor greatly.

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