Maria Strollo-Zack: Barack Obama Under Investigation by Italian Officials, State Department Employee Offered Bribes to Anti-Establishment Party Head in Italy

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Maria Strollo-Zack says Italian law enforcement authorities have told her that former president Barack Obama is under investigation in Italy for actions relating to the SpyGate and ItalyGate affairs.

Strollo-Zack made the comments in an interview this week with The Right Side’s Doug Billings.

“But the new [Italian] government that has come in has been conducting massive investigations…we know there is a major investigation into a key American who will shock everybody, it’s Barack Obama and that is new information as well,” Strollo-Zack said.

Strollo-Zack and her organization, Nations in Action™, have been spearheading efforts to bring the truth about election interference that originated in Italy to light. Authorities there say they have evidence that votes were electronically manipulated in the Nov. 3 presidential election using satellites owned and operated by billion-dollar Italian defense contractor Leonardo SpA. Those votes were switched, they say, from President Donald Trump to Joe Biden.

The allegations say that a whistleblower, Arturo D’Elia, worked as an IT manager at Leonardo and has come forward with evidence that proves the vote manipulation.

In another shocking revelation Strollo-Zack says a U.S. State Department employee attempted to bribe the head of an Italian anti-establishment political party that has been gaining in prominence over the last several months.

That employee, who Strollo-Zack identifies as Thomas Smitham, is currently the Chargé d’Affaires at U.S. Embassy Rome. She says Smitham attempted to bribe the head of the party to shut the party down and offered the woman a seat in the Italian Parliament to do so.

“That’s our tax dollars at work, a State Department employee. So some have to ask, what did [former Secretary of State] Mike Pompeo know and when did he know it about the Rome Embassy? Why was this not cleaned out? What was his role with [former CIA Director] Gina Haspel?” she asked.

“Why were they not willing to help us get Arturo D’Elia out of there? He was willing to tell the truth and provide all the information and the code that was used with the Dominion machines on the satellites with Leonardo?”

“We’re at this stage where Leonardo is culpable and Italy is sitting there going do we take down our own top industrial employer at a time of Covid and people having lost jobs and wages? It’s very difficult for them as a country,” she said.

ITN has requested comment from the U.S. State Department and the U.S. Embassy in Rome on the actions on Thomas Smitham and as of the time of this writing have received no responses.

11 thoughts on “Maria Strollo-Zack: Barack Obama Under Investigation by Italian Officials, State Department Employee Offered Bribes to Anti-Establishment Party Head in Italy

  1. I see the Biography of Thomas Smitham. Is there communication protocol between Thomas Smitham and Obama, and check for the flow of the money ? We have been seeing lots of allegations, which lead to no indictment. There are too many insinuations and stories and one has so far been convicted.

    There are many good and intelligent people, who are not informed or misinformed. I also believe that people do not need to be “protected” from “shocking truth”. When the stories are true, and evidence exist, I wish to understand the purpose of these insinuations and stories with the presentation of evidence. I understand the difficulty with “shop lifters”, whom we can arrest only after leaving the shop. Causing fear to criminals may or may not be the purpose of this kind of “insinuations”.

    But when the foundation of the democracy is the people, and people should decide, then people need to be informed. And story telling does not help in the era of information war. I wish to have clarity, less stories, and more hard evidence.

    1. Easier said than done. Unfortunately with how corrupt our entire system is, we pretty much are stuck with having information wars. Thankfully, Maria and her organization are collecting so much evidence against these criminals, that exposing them and holding them accountable is highly likely. I know it’s not the most ideal, but it’s what we have in the current era. We the people should have never let our government get this out of control. Hopefully, this will be a learning lesson and we don’t make the same mistakes after this is all over… and that’s assuming we have anything left.

  2. Thank you ITN, Maria, Nations in Action, Lindell, and others. Thank you for being unlike MSM and our politicians. Thank you for digging for the truth, and exposing it. America appreciates you!

  3. BOB D, I could drop a ton of affidavits on your dumb ass and you would still deny it! Men and women like you are the reason scum like Biden, Obama, Sonos, Gore, McConnell, Pedo-Pence and countless other traitors online to walk free while raping and murdering the innocent. Evicence is overwhelming and as a former LEO under Clinton, I resigned after his corrupt Deputy AG Holder burned 82 men, women & crib babies to death at Waco, and got off without ever going to trial! Same thing n g happened at Ruby Ridge and with the Bureau of Land Mgt. Godless men like you prefer the corrupt over the righteous. When the economy collapses and it will, and their Cloward/Piven maneuver finally works…men like you will suffer greatly! As a hard-core Marine and trained combat grunt, I will survive. God will win…as he already has. Hell is coming! Truth will find home soon!

    1. Thank you for your service! I absolutely agree with everything you said. You show people overwhelming evidence today, and they still deny it. It’s insane how little people care about the facts nowadays. It’s almost like the devil is working through them, as reasoning with them is completely impossible it seems. May God rest their souls. Hopefully they wake up before it’s too late – for everyone’s sake.

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