Dr. Michael Yeadon on Covid19: We are in the middle of a psychological operation whose goals are wholly malign

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Dr. Michael Yeadon believes there are systems being put into place right now because of Covid19 that have the potential to harm a substantial portion of the world’s population.

“For example, if someone wished to harm or kill a significant proportion of the world’s population over the next few years, the systems being put in place right now will enable it,” he recently told America’s Frontline Doctors, an association of medical professionals trying to expose the truth about Covid19 and the vaccines that have been released to treat it.

Dr. Yeadon spent 40 years as a research scientist, including several years as a vice president at pharmaceutical giant Pfizer. Pfizer is one of the companies that has brought a Covid vaccine to market and that vaccine is currently being administered to individuals all over the country and the world.

“I’m a middle class guy whose adhered to the professional circuit all my life,” Yeadon said in a recent interview with The Last American Vagabond. “Head down, worked hard. Did reasonably well. Would laugh at conspiracy theorists.”

“I would read middle of the road newspapers. I would vote for party A or party B. I’ve never had a public position on anything. I’ve never campaigned for a politician or a cause, or against a cause. And I would have, until this year, laughed at anyone who came up with something that might be classified as a conspiracy theory,” he added.

“But I am now, with that as a backdrop, convinced that we are in the middle, as it were, of a psychological operation that’s affecting a substantial part of the world whose goals are wholly malign.”

Dr. Yeadon is especially concerned about the narrative surrounding Covid19 variants. Current variants are only 0.3% different – in terms of genetic code – from the original Covid strain. Meaning they are 99.7% similar.

Immunity to Covid19, Yeadon says, has been shown to be intact in individuals who contracted the SARS virus from the massive outbreak of that disease in 2003. Covid19 is 20% different genetically than SARS.

“Twenty percent difference is completely inadequate to fool your body that it is a new virus. So why in the world would you possibly believe…that 0.3% is enough to cause a problem? The answer is, it’s not,” Yeadon says.

2 thoughts on “Dr. Michael Yeadon on Covid19: We are in the middle of a psychological operation whose goals are wholly malign

  1. I always knew it was a lie. From day one. The Lord, who I know, told me so. The masks, the shutdowns everything. He spoke to me and said they will make sure this never ends. Also He told me, the masks are evil, not for good. Now, you may say I’m nuts…but it all came true. I did get COVID19 thou. It was a cold/flu and I’ve had so much worse like Lyme disease twice, and a bad case of bronchitis that lasted for two months. Awful! My husband we believe had it too. He was not well for about five days or so. Others had it. My sisterinlaw went to hospital. She had no ailments, but is close to 70, overweight. Everyone else I knew who had it had it mild for the most part. We all survived. I will not take this ADE mRNA vaccine. I study, research and I believe its all very sinister. I’m seeing evil explode. The bible prophecies are all coming true. Jesus is coming back soon for his church. Get saved. John 3:16

  2. Revelation 13:17-18 (KJV)
    17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
    18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

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