Dr. Christine Northrup: Covid vaccines are causing bodies to secrete bioweapons

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Dr. Christine Northrup believes Covid vaccines are having adverse effects on women, and especially women’s reproductive systems.

“My feeling on this is that there’s some kind of bioweapon that the body is now secreting, transmitting…from somebody who’s had the shot,” she recently told Maureen McDonald.

“There’s no way this is going to stop. Because it’s made your body into a factory for a synthetic protein that’s never been seen before that theoretically could be in your saliva, urine, feces, sweat, seminal fluid, blood…this is coming out of their bodies and possibly adversely affecting the most delicate hormonal system [human pregnancy]…”

Northrup, an OB/GYN by training, a professor of 25 years and an author of three New York Times bestsellers, has been warning against the adverse effects of the vaccines for months. That has landed her on a list of called the “Disinformation Dozen,” a list of thirteen entries (eleven individuals and one couple) who are accused of being the source of 65% of the disinformation about Covid19 vaccines on the internet.

“Which is an astounding fall from grace,” Northrup says of her inclusion on such a list, “until you understand who is determining what grace is.”

You can watch the interview in its entirety here.

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