Maria Strollo-Zack: Is the Biden Administration Being Blackmailed with Information about ItalyGate?

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Maria Strollo-Zack says Americans should be questioning what other countries may know about the potential theft of our election and whether they are using that data as leverage against the current administration.

“We’ve been very blessed to receive information from the intercepts. As we know every government is spying on other governments, which should make every American question which governments already knew about this and are using it as blackmail against the current administration?” she said.

“Because they already know that the election was stolen. They’d know how it was stolen, where it was stolen. They have those intercepts. So that brings in a whole other angle,” she added.

Strollo-Zack made the comments on The Right Side with host Doug Billings.

Strollo-Zack and her organization Nations in Action™ have been bringing forth information uncovered by Italian law enforcement authorities on the interference with the U.S. election in November. The information those officials have gleaned has come from intercepts of communications between actors involved in the operation.

Strollo-Zack says ItalyGate is very much an ongoing investigation.

In the last several weeks it has been revealed that former Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi met secretly with a senior member of the Italian secret services at a highway rest stop in late December. Renzi has been accused of helping to coordinate many of the attacks against the Trump administration that have come out of Italy over the last several years.

The meeting took place just weeks after reports of ItalyGate broke in Italian media.

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