Arizona-Style Forensic Audit of 2020 Election “Real Possibility” in Pennsylvania

Headlines Politics U.S.

Lawmakers are indicating that a forensic-style audit, similar to the one taking place in Maricopa County, Arizona, is now likely to take place in Pennsylvania.

State Senator David Argall (R), Chair of the Senate’s State Government Committee which oversees election laws, says there is a “very real possibility” an audit of 2020 election results will take place in the Keystone State.

A full forensic audit of 2.1 million ballots cast in the November 2020 election began in Arizona earlier this year. The much anticipated results of that review are expected by mid to late July.

Several states, including Pennsylvania, sent delegations to Arizona to learn more about the procedures being followed by officials there.

“The other thing that I think is noteworthy is that we’ve had twelve states – more actually – come here to observe the level of rigor and attention to detail that this first-ever forensic audit in the history of the United States was built upon,” Arizona State Representative Mark Finchem (R) told ITN last week. “And I think the reason that we are seeing the leftist, Chernobyl-like meltdown is because they’re very afraid that the process is bulletproof and the resulting work product, as much as they might want to argue it, will be unarguable.”

“It’s going to present fact. It’s not going to present supposition; it’s not going to present assumptions. The work product will present a series of facts. And facts are pesky little things,” he added.

The number of states that visited Arizona now stands at thirteen.

Argall says he is also considering subpoenas for additional ballot information. “There are a lot of things under consideration right now,” he said after meeting with supporters of a state audit. “I told them to check back in a week or two, and we hope to have some more detail.”

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