Orange County Board of Supervisors Tries to Pay Contractors $20 for Every Resident They Get Vaccinated – Proposal Gets Pulled After Citizens Catch Wind

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Members of the Orange County Board of Supervisors placed an item on this week’s meeting agenda that would have authorized paying contractors for every resident they were able to get injected with a Covid19 vaccination. The proposal seemingly got deleted from the agenda after the public became aware of it.

The item first got noticed late last week when the agenda for the July 27th meeting was posted online. Activist Peggy Hall posted a video on YouTube detailing the program, for example.

The proposal, agenda item #19, would have allocated $4.5 million in County funds for what was dubbed a “Vaccine Engagement Program.”

The program would pay contractors $20 for every individual they were able to get successfully vaccinated. Notably, the program would use mobile vaccine units and “pop-up events” to reach and vaccinate seniors, homeless individuals, jail inmates, homebound individuals and other “hard to reach and high-hesitancy populations.”

Forced and/or coerced vaccinations have become a hot-button issue in Orange County in recent months. An attendee at Tuesday’s meeting stood and spoke out against such measures and questioned why the Orange County Sheriff was being allowed to come to homes and enforce mask mandates, for example – an action that is against health regulations.

When Supervisor Don Wagner questioned the validity of that claim and said the Sheriff was not enforcing mask mandates one of the other Supervisors off camera appears to say, “just the vaccine.” At that point, Orange County residents in the gallery erupted. Shortly thereafter the Board retired to a “closed hearing.”

The OC BoS has been facing increasing criticism since it announced the implementation of a digital vaccine passport system earlier this year which would require residents to show proof of vaccination against Covid19 on a smartphone application in order to access public areas and businesses.

In the wake of the firestorm the Board publicly declared it will use the multi-million dollar smartphone app developed for the passport system as a simple digital record keeping system instead. Many residents remain unconvinced, however.

A separate funding measure was also deleted without explanation from Tuesday’s Board meeting agenda. That measure, agenda item #40, would have allocated $15 million in Covid19 relief funds to be spent in individual districts at the sole discretion of that district’s Supervisor.

Members of the BoS have gone on the record as stating the only reason a state of emergency exists in Orange County despite minuscule infection and hospitalization rates is to continue receiving federal Covid19 relief funds.

“The BoS are actively breaking the law. They are operating in an illegal manner. They cannot keep a state of emergency going in order to keep funds coming into the county.  Their day in court is coming,” an OC resident who wishes to remain anonymous told ITN.

“Furthermore, the level of coercion and intimidation tactics being made by them is really concerning.  $20 a head for vaccination? Why are they so desperate since we know they don’t care about our health? Our case rate is super low and we all now know cases mean nothing.  Should we measure the flu this way and offer $20 a person? Are we human beings or animals? Why are they so obsessed with force vaccinating us without openly admitting they are force vaccinating us?”

“Its time for we the people to rise up and put an end to tyranny by voting these criminals out.  If anyone wanted a vaccine they have taken it.  If individuals don’t, they are free to not take it.  This is a democracy, not a communist state, although the BOS sure is trying to prove this concept wrong,” they added.

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