“Stop the Shot” Initiative Gets Underway with Blockbuster News Conference – Attorney Thomas Renz: Covid Vaccines “Substantially” More Likely to Kill Those Under 30 Than Save Them

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The “Stop the Shot” initiative, a campaign against Covid19 vaccines, got underway today with a press conference attended by some of the biggest names in independent medicine and independent medical research. Members of the clergy and prominent legal figures also participated.

“We are here today as an international team of physicians, scientists, clergy and patient advocates with our duty to the public to present medical information, scientific data and vaccine risks that have been kept hidden from the public by the CDC, by FDA, NIH, WHO, our own government officials and even some of our major health systems in this country and other countries,” said Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, organizer of the campaign.

Vliet is President and CEO of the Truth for Health Foundation, a non-profit public charity whose mission is to bring truthful, research-based, peer reviewed medical information meant to serve the public good to light.

“In good conscience we could not remain silent,” Vliet added. “We are the voice of the people who have been discounted and dismissed and silenced. We are the voice of physicians who have also been silenced. When all of us have been asking common sense, important questions we deserve to have answers to to make informed medical decisions. We cannot and will not be silent anymore.”

“Our international press conference today launches our crusade of the voiceless to Stop the Shot and bring you the rest of the story.”

One of the attendees, Ohio-based attorney Thomas Renz, made startling revelations regarding the Covid19 vaccination and the adverse reactions they produce.

“This is brand new,” Renz said. “According to my researchers if you are under 30 this vaccine has a substantially higher likelihood to kill you than to save you. We’re working on the factor, we’re trying to figure exactly how much higher, but we know it’s substantial.

Renz also revealed information about just who is being counted in the government’s claim that 70% of Americans have been vaccinated.

“We’ve confirmation now…and this is confirmed by a whistleblower who I absolutely trust and have vetted that there are a number of people who are being counted as vaccinated that are actually already dead,” he said.

“We’re trying to decide how big of an impact that’s having on this 70% vaccination rate but what I feel pretty comfortable saying is that the 70% vaccination rate is a lie,” he added.

Renz represents a whistleblower who claims deaths being reported to the government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) are being underreported by a factor of at least five. Renz told ITN last week that the true number of deaths from the Covid19 vaccines exceeds 45,000. Renz says he is now confident saying that number is low.

“In Matthew 10:28 it says do not be afraid of those who kill the body but are not able to kill the soul but instead fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in Hell,” said family physician and medical missionary Sister Deirdre Byrne.

“I am begging my fellow Catholics, Christians, family, friends, fellow physicians to really understand the gravity of mandating these experimental vaccines and these mandates being forced in our workplace, in our Catholic universities and schools. We have lost all common sense and as a result we are losing our religious freedom,” she added.

Many of the participants implored the public to no longer fall for fear-based rhetoric put forth by authority figures and to rethink the decision to get on the Covid19 vaccines.

“Believe nothing you’re being told,” said Canada-based pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson. “It’s all been a pack of lies from start to finish. Pure propaganda. This is nothing more than a bad seasonal flu and nothing was needed except good old common sense and early treatment with drugs known to be totally safe.”

“The vast majority of people who acquire this infection easily shrug it off and then they develop deep, broad, robust immunity,” said UK-based former Pfizer executive Dr. Michael Yeadon. “And the reason they do that is their immune system is exposed to and processes and remembers every component of the virus itself. Whereas, unusually, if you’re given one of these gene-based vaccines your body only sees the thing that’s encoded, which is this spike protein.”

“So your body has no memory because it was not exposed to any of the components in the nuclear protein and so on. So there is no question in my mind – it is a trivially easy argument to make because it’s true – that if you’ve been exposed to the virus you have superior immunity to any you could get from one of these vaccines and you shouldn’t be exposed thereafter to the vaccine,” Yeadon added.

Video Time Stamps:

0:00 – Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet

8:21 – Dr. Peter McCullough

15:21 – Dr. Michael Yeadon

24:34 – Pastor Stephen Broden

29:02 – Attorney Thomas Renz

41:51 – Sister Deirdre Byrne

46:37 – Immunologist Sucharit Bhakdi

50:21 – Dr. Jose Trasancos

54:50 – Pamela Popper

1:00:18 – Rev. Bill Cook

1:03:59 – International trial lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

1:14:12 – Dr. Roger Hodkinson

1:19:58 – Q&A session

1:56:39 – Closing prayer with Rev. Bill Cook

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