Dr. Jeyanthi Kunadhasan on Pfizer Delaying the Announcement of Its Covid Vaccine Until Six Days After the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election


In the News with Mike Dakkak


Dr. Jeyanthi Kunadhasan of the Daily Clout team joins ITN to discuss her team’s latest findings that Pfizer had completed what it considered a successful vaccine trial but waited until six days after the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election to make the announcement.

Read the report at www.dailyclout.io/report-76-pfizer-had-necessary-data-to-announce-its-covid-19-vaccines-alleged-efficacy-in-october-2020-why-did-pfizer-delay/.

Follow Dr. Kunadhasan on Twitter at www.twitter.com/DrJKunadhasan.

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