Thousands of protesters packed London’s Trafalgar Square this weekend in protest of England’s continuing Covid19 lockdown policies.
Thousand of people have joined a #NoNewNormal demonstration against #lockdown, mass vaccination and other Covid-19 measures in Trafalgar Square.
— Damien Gayle (@damiengayle) September 26, 2020
Britons bore signs reading “We Do Not Consent”, “Think Before It’s Illegal” and “Peaceful Resistance – Lose Your Manners Lose Your Message” during the protest.
“What is see is fear and negativity being propagated. In Ayurveda, which is the root of western medicine, we say the thing that weakens the immune system the most is negativity.”
Vinothini Apok, 40, a former doctor from north London.
— Damien Gayle (@damiengayle) September 26, 2020
The event was organized by a coalition of political groups and supporters that have been galvanized by talk of additional lockdown measures by London Mayor Sadiq Khan as well as Prime Minister Boris Johnson himself.
Johnson, just last week, seemed to threaten Britons when he said “If people don’t follow the rules we have set out, then we must reserve the right to go further,” hinting at further lockdowns.
Protesters also voiced opposition to any potential mandatory vaccine program. Protester Kerry Dunn, 41, from Bath, claimed her son, Beau, suffered adverse affects after being vaccinated.
“I’ve been shouting that mandatory vaccines are coming, no one believed me,” she said. “Now we can see it’s just around the corner, we’ve never been closer.”
“I’ve been shouting that mandatory vaccines are coming, no one believed me. No we can see it’s just around the corner, we’ve never been closer.”
Kerry Dunn, 41, from Bath, whose son, Beau, suffered severe brain damage after he was vaccinated.
— Damien Gayle (@damiengayle) September 26, 2020