Schools Have Reopened in Denmark; No Masks, No Social Distancing and Covid is Still in Check

Denmark was one of the first European countries to implement strict lockdowns at the outbreak of the Covid19 pandemic. But they have relaxed many of those restrictions now. They prioritized the reopening of schools ahead of bars and restaurants.

“You …

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Are “Morality Pills” That Make You Adhere to Covid19 Restrictions the Best Answer to the Pandemic? An Ethicist Says Yes

Trying to cope with the “pandemic” of freedom-loving people everywhere continuing to awaken to the falsehoods their governments and one-world government organizations are telling them about Covid19, an ethicist has recommended “moral enhancement” as a way to get more “cooperation.”…

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DARPA-Funded Implantable Biochips Used to Detect Covid19 Could be on the Market By Next Year

Unbeknownst to most Americans, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), is developing a microchip, that once implanted could be used to detect most viral, upper respiratory pathogens, including Covid19.

The technology could be on the market as soon as …

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Nashville Restaurants File Suit Against Mayor, Say Covid19 Numbers Were Exaggerated to Keep Businesses Closed

Nashville restaurants are filing suit against Mayor John Cooper (D) saying his office purposefully exaggerated Covid19 infection rates in order to keep businesses closed.

“The hurt to these families, the revenue lost, to the city, the revenue lost to …

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Cure Worse Than Virus: Summer Dementia Deaths Soar 11,000 Above Normal Due to Lockdowns

Deaths due to Alzheimer’s disease and dementia have soared 20% above normal this summer. Increased isolation and stress brought about during the Covid19 lockdown is being blamed.

“There’s something wrong, there’s something going on and it needs to be sorted …

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Assistant HHS Secretary Caputo: “Democrats, Media, Deep-State Scientists Want America Sick Through November”

Yahoo News has obtained excerpts of a video published by Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Michael Caputo on his Facebook page earlier this week.

In it, he accuses Democrats, the …

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Did Nashville City Officials Keep True Covid Infection Numbers From Becoming Public Because They Were Low?

Emails between the Nashville, TN, mayor’s office and the Metro Health Department reveal a discussion of the low number of Covid19 cases that could be traced back to that city’s bars and restaurants – and how to keep that information …

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Fauci Touts Vitamins in Response to Covid19 After Months of Big Tech Censorship Against Others Who Did Same

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the head of the U.S. Coronavirus Task Force, recommended taking Vitamin D – and said he does so himself – to boost one’s immune system.

He also touted the positive affects of Vitamin C.

“If you’re deficient …

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Surveillance State Implemented: China Combines Covid Contact Tracing, Social Credit Score Programs

The Chinese Communist Party has combined its Covid19 “track and trace” program with the country’s social credit score program.

The mark is now known as a person’s “civilization score” and depending on that score, citizens are placed into …

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Chinese Virologist, Defects to the West, Publishes What She Calls “Smoking Gun” Evidence That Covid19 Was Made in a Lab

Dr. Li-Meng Yan, a Hong Kong scientist, defected to the West earlier this year. In July she told Fox News that she believes the Chinese government knew about the dangers of Covid19 well before admitting they did.

This week, …

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HHS Assistant Secretary: “There are hit squads being trained all over this country,” “If you carry guns, buy ammunition”

The Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Michael Caputo, gave a chilling account of things to come in this country after the election.

Caputo, in a 26-minute video published on his Facebook …

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Massive Rally Outside of Connecticut State Capitol Building After H.S. Football Season Cancelled Due to Covid19

Hundreds flocked to the Connecticut state …

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