“Can You Imagine a World Without America!?” “Hell Yeah!”

Headlines Politics U.S. Videos

A powerful compilation of interview soundbites from actual ANTIFA protesters reveals the fact that the violence that’s occurred in the U.S. over the last several months is not at all about social justice. Racial equality is a red herring.

The ultimate goal is a communist overthrow of America – the end of the country as we know it.

Comments heard in the video include:

“…The end goal is the abolishment of capitalism…”

“…Well socialism is the road to communism…”

“…We need people that are actually organizing in the streets creating crisis for the decision-makers…”

“…Communism is a higher state…that’s after the entire world has become socialist…”

“…The masses will fall. They will fall in line…”

“…If it’s bloody it will be the fault of the ruling class…”

“…Let’s make the guillotine red again…”

“…That can pull apart this country and…quite frankly this country needs to be pulled apart…”


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