Google Ad Manager: “Trust and Safety” Sets Their Own Standards for Hate Speech

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An advertising manager for Google was recorded on undercover video laying out several ways the tech giant censors information they don’t like, most often conservative content.

Google Marketing technical account manager Adriano Amaduzzi said it could “censor out news from your search engine” … “or actually stopping right-wing parties from advertising.”

“You can offer free credits, free advertising credits, to Democratic parties for advertising,” he added.

Amaduzzi also acknowledged that Google’s Trust and Safety staffers are “extreme left” and could get involved in the election.

When asked by an undercover reporter from Project Veritas, how hate speech is reviewed on YouTube for example, Amaduzzi said it was “human reviewed.”

“So Trust and Safety sets their own standards for hate speech,” the Veritas reporter says.

“Yeah, exactly,” Amaduzzi responds, smiling.

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