President Trump Rejects Covid Stimulus – Says Package Contains Too Much Wasteful Spending, Not Enough Help to Americans

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President Donald Trump announced he is rejecting a Covid stimulus package Congress took months to iron out and send to him for approval.

The President laid out all of the wasteful spending included in the bill including billions of dollars in foreign aid and tens of millions of dollars for provisions like aid for the Kennedy Arts Center in Washington, D.C., (which is not even open because of the Covid lockdowns), and stimulus payments for the families of illegal aliens.

“Congress found plenty of money for lobbyists, foreign countries and special interests while sending the bare minimum to the American people who need it,” the President said.

Mr. Trump called on Congress to revise the bill and do away with the wasteful spending. He is also demanding Congress increase the amount of direct stimulus payments to Americans from $600 per person to $2,000 per person.

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