Battleground States Targeted by George Soros Network to “Unravel Everything America Stands for”; China, MI6 Involved in ItalyGate; More Evidence of Election Interference Being Gathered – An Interview with Maria Zack

Headlines Politics U.S. World


ITN was honored to be joined by Maria Zack for an interview this afternoon. During the conversation Zack discussed a number of topics relating to the interference that took place in the U.S. election on Nov. 3.

Zack and her organization Nations in Action are spearheading the efforts to bring evidence of that interference to light. “There is no doubt in my mind Donald Trump won far bigger than people even know,” she said.

Zack detailed how that interference had been planned years in advance by left-wing billionaire financier George Soros and his political network.

“We at Nations in Action were told four years prior to the election that Georgia, Florida, Arizona and Maryland were going to be the top four targeted states by the Soros network…they’ve embedded [in those states] to unravel everything America stands for. Even going so far as to call the Constitution a fictional document.”

Zack went on to detail extensive evidence NIA has gathered that proves interference in the election was carried out from various locations in Italy – including U.S. Embassy Rome – and who it was carried out by. “This was cyber warfare,” she said.

She also addressed the lack of leadership exhibited by elected officials in pursuing the allegations, and attributed it to the desire to avoid accountability. “As one person said to me today: Maria, everyone knows something happened in Italy. But if they acknowledge that they’re going to have to do something about it.”

Zack issued a call to action for those looking to help expose the truth about what happened in the Nov. 3 election.

“It’s important for us to help build and solve the problem where legislators, especially at the state level, seem to be very concerned about calling a special session or doing the proper investigations or they’re not sure what type of investigation to do,” she said.

“Helping us get the word out, sharing our website, with all the links to all the videos and the information would help educate the elected officials.”

4 thoughts on “Battleground States Targeted by George Soros Network to “Unravel Everything America Stands for”; China, MI6 Involved in ItalyGate; More Evidence of Election Interference Being Gathered – An Interview with Maria Zack

  1. Hey. It is time to start showing some cards.

    Name names of persons you have talked to.

    Show specific evidence to State AGs. They can prosecute the crimes. Time to take different approach.

    Whoever she is working with ain’t gettin it done.

    Course correction needed.

    1. What are you doing? Have you contacted your elected representatives and asked them to look into these allegations? Are you staying on them till you see action? Maria Zack is standing up for America like no other American and she is doing a professional and admirable job. If you haven’t noticed, what elected official or branch of government isn’t in on the voter fraud? Saving our country will take all patriots, not just Maria Zack and President Trump.

  2. People aren’t convicted in the court of public opinion. In a free country. How about the USA? Main stream media reports “facts” as though it is not even remotely possible that “conspire” is a word that means at the very least, “acquiesce”, “accept”, and “embrace” the momentum someone else has started. Satan started a rebellion a long, long time ago so if we don’t know who he is, how can we acquiesce to his plan? By captivity…

    Maybe “it” – that conspiratorial “Plan” – is the default position that people take without knowing, to, without choice, acquiesce to the dark side as they rebel and become free of the moral restraint of conscience.

    Fugitives run, witnesses hide, threatened people waffle, liars repeat lies over and over convinced that by doing so it won’t be exposed. People sue each other. Official deniers keep denying…People seek their own pleasures above seeking the right thing. What is “it”? A real corruption widespread or a phantom corruption? Or is it “all good”?

    What is the driving cause beneath the momentum that drives the desires of people’s hearts and heads…?
    If it is just individual sins – the making of mistakes without preconceived conspiratorial awareness – then it follows that connecting the dots is futility because there isn’t a “Plan”. Just ordinary, haphazard human sin nature going every which way. They don’t even know they are following satan. Perhaps only one knows the path to destruction by inviting others along and feeling the satisfaction of not being alone in the futility of overthrowing the Creator. When it comes to politics, people are often habitual about picking “the lesser of two evils”. What good does that do? Do people pick good only? Will they get arrested for doing good? What laws punish good acts because policies refuse to allow them to be seen and heard? Investigation of voting becomes “insurrection”? Evil laws are null and void.

    For too long the people have been told, “Wait for it”. Then someone starts questioning and second guessing. Then a “dissent” occurs… The humans that have integrity, courage and a will to obey the truth will be used of God to show us a glimpse into the darkness by the light they are shining on it. The lesser of two evils is no longer so attractive, and it is too late…God’s time was yesterday and now there is no repentance, no turning back, betrayed again. Policies have kept us “on course”. To what?

    The “lesser of two evils” people are still waiting for it…They waited, now the other lesser of two evils candidate has a turn at power. The fresh batch of believers in the new candidate empowered by the “overturning of the evils that were done” are settling for lesser evils. And the cycle goes on once again. Two parties, two cycles. Same problem over and over again.

    You “leaders” who made yourselves into Idols for the people to follow and pay homage to – your conscience will tell you, if you have one, whether you failed to act at the precise moment in history. You will hear God’s presence impressing you that the Spirit moved on you but you cowarded out at the time you were needed. Sometimes when you allowed the people to choose “their own lesser evils” to profit themselves, you were set up to become the scapegoat, the heaped on blame for failure would become yours once the inevitable dissatisfaction of the people called for a new leader. But you know better than to keep promising your supporters an endless lifetime of favorable “policies”.
    Sometimes “God’s time” was that moment that already passed, when a person failed or refused to carry or pass on the baton of truth to the next person, causing the entire team to drop out of the race to the finish line of Freedom and Life. Forget policies. Choose good.

    – Restore!, Inc.

  3. Politicians in the US are bought by corporations. We have 100% propaganda “news” stations. Just follow the money trail. MSM CEOs are spouses of top politicians. Did you watch on Jan 6th? It was sickening to see our “representatives” turn against moral obligation and vote in favor of the greediest corporations, ignoring data experts and actual video showing treason in process.

    There is no doubt, Restore!, Inc., that the election was outrageously corrupt and stolen. Nice try with your carefully worded propaganda. Funny how initial posts on all moral sites are pro oligarch. Surely you are paid to hit these sites and bots are looking for new posts to appear.

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