World Renowned Scientist Murdered in 2016 After Discovering Vote Manipulation Capability Using Satellites – Whistleblower

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Dr. Molly Macauley was an “internationally renowned” researcher of economics, known especially for her expertise on the economics of satellites. “One of the most prominent space economists” in the world, she was one of only a few that specialized in satellites and the space program.

On the night of July 8, 2016, she was discovered at about 11pm on the sidewalk around the corner from her home. She had been stabbed while walking her two dogs. She was taken to an area hospital but would be pronounced dead soon thereafter.

Energetic with unparalleled drive, colleagues described her as being universally respected, with both her professional and personal advice sought after.

“To know Molly was to seek her wisdom. William & Mary, the space enterprise, the National Academies of Science – not once but repeatedly – would turn to her for advice and perspective on virtually every issue and matter. Not just institutions but individuals would go out of their way to solicit her input, on matters both professional and personal,” William H. Hooke, associate executive director of the American Meteorological Society, wrote of her at the time.

“She was soft-spoken, always calm, insightful, and withal unusually persuasive. You remembered what she said. Molly did not deserve this, her friends and colleagues do not deserve this, the world does not deserve this,” said Charlie Kennel, a former NASA associate administrator for Mission to Planet Earth, and Chair of the Space Studies Board while Macauley was a member.

It is now alleged that Dr. Macauley was killed because she had discovered – and begun to let it be known – that satellite technology was being used to alter votes in state and national elections.

The bombshell revelation is being made by a whistleblower who is working with attorney Lin Wood on exposing the truth about this, and other plots. The whistleblower, who says his own life is under constant threat, remains anonymous, but goes by the alias @Johnheretohelp.

“John” in fact posted about Dr. Macauley’s case in a little-noticed thread on social media platform Twitter last year.

“In 2016 my friend, Molly MaCauley, was stabbed to death outside her home in Baltimore. She was killed because she had discovered satellites were being used to alter State and national elections,” he wrote. “Some of this came out in 2016 and the Deep State lost control or closed down much of their access because they had other ways of guaranteeing their candidate would win the presidential election. I’m sure we are all familiar with what those are. They will not make the same mistake in 2020.”

He went on to say many of the satellite systems had “mysteriously” ended up in the hands of overseas governments, notably including China, Iran and Italy.

Maria Strollo-Zack, Chairwoman of Nations in Action, a government accountability organization has been working with Italian law enforcement authorities for several months on bringing evidence to light that interference in the U.S. election took place in Italy.

That evidence says votes in the Nov. 3 election were switched from President Trump to Joe Biden via satellites owned and operated by billion-dollar Italian defense contractor Leonardo SpA. We have previously reported on Leonardo’s extensive expertise with satellite technology here.

“In 2016 – actually, before that Molly – Molly had discovered the satellites were being used to manipulate elections, and it was used in 2016 – huge – just like we’ve seen recently. And then they lost control of that when President Trump won,” John says.

“So, in 2018 a lot of that had already been transferred overseas – Iran, Italy, China. And then I wrote about that a couple years ago, about what they had done. So, they had already exposed all that. It had already gone over there,” he added.

Strollo-Zack says she has been told the 2018 parliamentary elections in Italy were used as a dry run for the interference of the U.S. election in 2020.

According to John, Dr. Macauley had discovered the manipulation and had begun informing others about it. John seems to allude to the fact that others who were made aware of the issue were harmed as well.

“But, like I said, they lost a lot of control here in this country in 2016, so they started shipping it overseas for 2018, and then obviously 2020. And this one, again, Molly Macauley had uncovered and shared it with a few people, who are also not here,” he said.

The goal, he says was control. “Because this was control. They had to get some type of control back because the president had both houses, and the presidency.”

Police did not identify a suspect or a motive at the time of Macauley’s death. She lived in Roland Park, an affluent suburb of Baltimore, Maryland at the time. The homicide was the first in the quiet neighborhood since 1998.

Photo courtesy of Resources for the Future

20 thoughts on “World Renowned Scientist Murdered in 2016 After Discovering Vote Manipulation Capability Using Satellites – Whistleblower

  1. In the News Show appears to be the only publication in the world that reports the truth. Mike Dakkak is, like Thierry Meyssan, a member of a very exclusive group: a journalist who recognizes the truth when he sees it and is not afraid to report it.

  2. How can there be so many fantasists (aka liars) in the US? You make stuff up like little kids. They’re not even clever lies. They can be pulled apart within minutes, but the sort of mouth breathers who believe this sort of thing accept everything at face value if it comes from Q EAGLE TRUTH FACT. They don’t do research, they just read the lie of the day and then pass it on to everyone they know, who do the same.

    1. How can there be so many delusional lemmings in the US that put their faith in the mainstream media, and will fully ingest their lies? The DNC-controlled propaganda machine controls the pap-like minds of Libs and hypnotizes them into thinking that the only corruption comes from the Right. And people actually believe that! A classic case of indoctrinated, not educated. Deny the election fraud. Deny the videos. Deny the testimonies under oath. Deny the signed affidavits. Deny the forensics. Deny the evidence. Their collective delusion is rampant but their happy in the make-believe world.

      1. Your country is no longer for We The People. It hasn’t been for sometime now. It’s run by evil satanic individuals who don’t give a dam about you or me. They care about their own wealth and little children. If we don’t get smart and fight back communism will be here soon. Do some research. Your country turned into a real shit show.

      2. I believe it. I grew up in mind manipulation but I realized it much later, when I was already free.

        1. Oh but they’re not happy. It would be great if people just lived happy, clueless lives and left everyone alone. They’re angry… all the time! They take to social media to pick fights with anyone trying to expose the truth. They are miserable and want to ensure everyone else is miserable too.

      3. I grew up being taught right from wrong, do not lie, help when you can, treat people as you want to be treated! Spent my life always doing as I was taught. I followed my Father and became a Democrat, worked as a Certified Electrician, joined a union! As I worked I saw so much wrong done in the Democratic Part and in the Unions in the name of Democratic Plans! I willingly switched parties. I have been a Republican the last 30 years. They have their faults but they were no where as evil as the Democrats, HOWEVER IN THE PAST 20 YEARS I HAVE WATCHED MORE AND MIRE REPUBLICANS BOUGHT OUT AND BECOME RHINOS AND AM SO DISAPPOINTED AND DISGUSTED.

    2. So, pull the findings apart. The Nations in Action findings are credible, supported by facts snd other than the morons on the left saying “Poo-Poo” they remain valid.
      So, pull the findings apart – Miron.

    3. I guess you didn’t know that this particular whistleblower was tortured and had his professional certification taken away, and has had his family threatened. So, I guess it’s not your fault for being such a vicious little cocksucker.

    4. And WHAT research do YOU do Einstein⁉️ No doubt YOU believe Epstein killed himself, Clinton supporter/whistle-blower Seth Rich was the victim of a ‘robbery’ even tho NOTHING was missing from his person & the REWARD wikileaks offered for Seth’s hit man was a coinky dink … right⁉️ I DOUBT you read Donna Braziles book that stated the 2016 primary was RIGGED against Bernie or the FACT she FEARED for her own life‼️ You probably BELIEVE Killary’s 33,000 emails were ALL about yoga & a wedding & the 2020 election wasn’t corrupt. I could go on & on providing the EVIDENCE but WHY waste my time educating a liberal who BELIEVES fake news propagandists & Hollywacko celebrities⁉️

    5. Actually Neil what you are saying is what you do. You do no research, provide zero rebuttal other than dismissive arrogance and name calling.
      Not everyone listens to Q and if we had truth in media and honest journalist there would be less digging in the dirt where corruption is.
      So what you’re really saying is you’re a sheeple brainwashed by mainstream media and believe everything you here.
      Come back when you become honest or take your blinders off.

  3. All the media who are refusing to cover this should be held accountable… this is insanely important to know, yet they keep us all in the dark. MSM is criminal at this point. Very sad to hear this woman lost her life trying to do the right thing, something so few seem to be capable of doing nowadays. I pray she is in a better place, and justice prevails for the nation, especially for her as well. She is a patriot, one of the good ones. Her death cannot be in vein, it’s important what she discovered comes to light. Rest in peace, Molly.

    1. What would you say if Molly’s case was still a cold case so many years later and wait for it the case Detective name is wait for it…..D’Allesandro (Baltimore). In case you aren’t familiar D’Allesandro is Nancy Pelosi’s maiden name. This Detective is her nephew. I kid you not!!! Look up Pelosi’s father was mobbed up in Balt.

  4. Wow. Just came here to read about Mr. Magafuli and I got more than I bargained for. The evil is too big to grasp! My mind is boggling. When will these despicable people be stopped? Are we really going to curl up and die and just LET THEM WIN???? My God.

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