Was John Brennan Willing to Trade a CIA Officer to Cover Up the Milan Rendition and the Origins of SpyGate?

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Former CIA officer Sabrina De Sousa was detained by authorities at the Lisbon airport in October 2015. She was on her way to India to visit her mother. She was freed a short time afterward but ordered to stay in Portugal pending a decision on her extradition to Italy.

De Sousa had been convicted in absentia in Italy for the 2009 abduction of a cleric affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood and his exfiltration to Egypt. The cleric, known as Abu Omar, was allegedly tortured at the hands of the Egyptian government. De Sousa was convicted on charges stemming from that alleged rendition even though she was not involved and the joint counter-terror operation was authorized both by the George W. Bush White House and the Italian Berlusconi Government.

De Sousa appealed to then CIA Director John Brennan for help with her case but got none in return. She was confused. Was Brennan’s disavowal of de Sousa due to her alleged role in the abduction of the Egyptian cleric or did Brennan have ulterior motives? Renewed analysis of her case raises fresh questions.


In May 2016, Portuguese authorities learned of a meeting between Frederico Carvalhão Gil, an officer of Portugal’s Security Information Service (SIS), and Sergey Nicolaevich Pozdnyakov, a Russian citizen believed to be a member of the SVR, a successor to the KGB. Carvalhão was accused of selling NATO documents to Pozdnyakov for 10,000 euros. Both men were arrested at the site of the meeting – Rome, Italy.

A deal would soon be struck between the two nations that would have seen Pozdnyakov sent to Portugal to face charges of espionage in return for de Sousa being sent to Italy to serve time in prison for the “Milan Rendition” case. It was a development that startled de Sousa considering per European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) documents, she had the authorization of the Portuguese Attorney General to travel to the country.

De Sousa began noticing media reports playing up the level of cooperation between Italy and Portugal in the Portuguese press. But “Operation Top Secret” as it was known seemed peculiar to the former intel officer.

Evidence suggests that Pozdnyakov had been arrested in Italy prior to 2016. His returning to Italy to carry out more operations seemed strange. Importantly, the secrets supposedly traded between the two men were widely considered to be low-level as well. “Banal” is how some press reports described them.

Portuguese newspapers also reported that Brennan traveled to Portugal in June 2016. The goal of that trip appears to have been to orchestrate the swap of de Sousa and Pozdnyakov.

Quid Pro Quo

Was the entire sting orchestrated so a Russian national could be in custody at the time reports of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election were bubbling up? The answer to that question is unknown. But whether it was part of a grand plan or a seizure of an opportunity, Brennan it seemed was trying to pressure an international partner into taking a course of action that would advance a domestic political agenda: helping Hillary Clinton win the White House. It was precisely the type of crime President Trump would be impeached for three short years later.

Brennan’s scheme fell apart however, when Italy decided not to cooperate with it. At the last moment – likely due to pressure from the Russian government – Italy backed out of the deal and released Pozdnyakov. He was allowed to return to his country and according to Portuguese authorities, his whereabouts today are unknown.

That meant de Sousa, a former employee who could potentially connect the dots of three major scandals involving Italy – RenditionGate, SpyGate and ItalyGate – was still free and speaking out.

According to ECHR documents, Brennan made a second trip to Portugal at the end of November 2016. This was during the transition period after Donald Trump had unexpectedly won the presidential election. Within days the Portuguese government doubled down on de Sousa’s extradition to Italy. She was arrested and imprisoned.

De Sousa contacted Pete Hoekstra, a former Republican Congressman from Michigan. Hoekstra worked hard with the the Trump administration to secure her release from the Portuguese prison. “The Trump administration got done in six weeks what Obama couldn’t do in 7 years,” Hoekstra would say.

The Italians would ultimately remove only a year from her sentence, requiring de Sousa to serve the remaining three in Italy should she be taken into custody again.

“The bottom line for me,” de Sousa tells ITN, “is the precedent-setting, never-before-taken action by an employer to imprison and silence an employee for speaking out against a debacle, and for fear of calling attention to an operation meant to bring down a U.S. president.”

2 thoughts on “Was John Brennan Willing to Trade a CIA Officer to Cover Up the Milan Rendition and the Origins of SpyGate?

  1. The public is sick and tired of reading about the corruption of the global capitalist governments. What we want to read about is the arrest, prosecution and sentencing of the criminals, traitors and child abusers.

    General Flynn recently suggested (Red Pill Roadshow) that there may not be any arrests, and that this would be because President Trump wants to unify the country. I am probably the only Trump supporter who was never impressed by General Flynn’s political skills, and I hope that this particular talk was the result of these indifferent skills. People will not get involved in the political process while the enemy has the ability to rig elections. People will not get involved as long as the enemy enjoys impunity for corruption, treason and crimes against humanity. The Biden family, the Clinton Family, the John Roberts family, Barack Obama and the Bush family have all been involved in the kidnapping, imprisonment, trafficking and sexual abuse of children. They have carried out false-flag attacks and illegal invasions of foreign countries in the pursuit of a globalist agenda. How is the country supposed to unite when such evil actions go unpunished?

    We need to start seeing people pay the consequences for their actions.

    Incidentally, Obama is a homosexual and Michelle is biologically a male, though she lives as a female. These were the last things comedian Joan Rivers told the press before she died at 81. Now you know why transgender people are treated as a statistically significant minority and why you are required to publicly announce your sexual preferences in the form of pronouns. The large number of closet homosexuals in positions of power, at least one married to a transgender, was going to be made public eventually, and I think the deep state wants to launch a preventive defense of their puppets when they are indicted by accusing the accusers of intolerance. Think Cuomo, nursing home deaths (the real crime), and disrespect towards women (the distraction).

    1. I agree with you.

      What kills me is this information IS out there. All it requires is a little digging. But, if MSM did their jobs, we wouldn’t have such a closed minded and brainwashed group of people. It’s gotten to the point, people no longer want to do their own homework, so they assume the MSM of their choosing will do right by them and report accurately. Obviously that’s not happening, and the country is turning into this huge mess – all because people are too lazy to do their homework and fact check the media and politicians.

      It’s almost like some people don’t care if the politicians they want in office are corrupt, as long as it’s their side that is in power. It seems to be the only thing that matters to them. They also want to so badly be a part of something, that they encourage backing groups that should be labeled as terrorists, and create false realities to get things going their way, while expecting every American to bow to them. These organizations have become dangerous, as MSM deems them as untouchable and shame the public for calling out their lies, expecting us to bend to their every need and want, to believe fabricated stories and so on.

      These organizations don’t care if they have to lie and make things up – it has become the backbone of many organizations that fight for change today. It’s a sickening thing to see. It used to mean something to fight for change and to be a part of something. Now, people are joining up for selfish and fabricated reasons, to have a false sense of patriotism, and to instill changes that are extreme and just absolutely dangerous. MSM is HUGE reason why this is happening. But, people are accountable for self-educating too, and many are not doing that. It’s creating a huge rift in our country.

      Many think a war will not come of it, they laugh and insult it off… but, that kind of thinking is exactly what will cause a war. MSM and the people have no idea the kind of damage they’re causing (oh, but the politicians do). They have no idea that one day they could experience the unimaginable. No one wants to experience that. But, it seems so many are so far removed from reality they think a civil war can never happen to us. Even though it already happened once… These kind of people worry me, because there are so many of them and I fear they will continue to incite a civil war without even realizing it.

      They think they can say and do whatever they want, cancel other people, and control everyone’s lives with the help of MSM and the corrupt politicians. They commit crimes under the name of “change,” and “oppression,” and nothing happens to them. The other side could do the same thing or similar and they are expected to be held accountable to the law. They truly don’t get it (or maybe they do). They’re ignoring one side completely. Ignoring the rules. Ignoring the laws. Ignoring the evidence. Ignoring everything. Denying everything. Deny. Deny. Deny. Deny. Acting like they’re tolerant of others, when they’re only tolerant of themselves.

      All of this is beyond concerning. The civil war was fought over less issues than this, and people think what’s going on now won’t lead to a civil war?! How are people so blind? I can’t believe this nonsense. I hope for our sake we don’t have another civil war, but I’m not going to act like it isn’t possible with all the shenanigans that is occurring. The MSM, politicians, and it’s followers need to be held accountable for their criminal actions and false words. Them continuing this insanity is only going to hurt our country and the people more.

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