Dr. Carrie Madej: The Threat of Transhumanism is Real

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A video Dr. Madej published in July 2020

Dr. Carrie Madej says we have 9 years before globalist forces fundamentally change human beings into organisms capable of interfacing with computer technology.

Madej has been speaking out about the coming threat of transhumanism for years. She’s a Georgia-based internal medicine specialist with over 20 years of experience and in meetings she herself has attended, she has seen and heard firsthand plans that forces are trying to implement to fundamentally change human beings into cyborgs.

In late 2014 she attended a business meeting at which the plans were laid bare.

“I was being recruited for a business owners’ meeting…this was in metro Atlanta,” she told ITN during a phone interview yesterday. “There were tech people there. People from CNN.”

“It was a strange meeting because we were bussed in. We could not drive and our cell phones were jammed. Pretty much we were locked in the building when we got there…I was not prepped for that. No one told me about this,” she said.

At this meeting Madej said plans to inject human beings with substances that would enable their thoughts, emotions and body’s vital signs to be communicated to computer servers were discussed.

“They said there would be a substance that would connect the human wirelessly to their smartphone. And the substance had the ability to accumulate the data and wirelessly transmit it to the cell phone. Which from the cell phone, it would then go to the 5G, then there would a central server that would analyze it…and a different signal would come back to the person.”

Madej says the goal was to establish a social credit score akin to the one currently being used by the Chinese Communist Party on Chinese citizens. And it was discussed how people may not even know the technology has been implemented.

“They were going to do it using impulses. What exactly that meant I don’t know.”

“Everybody was clapping. At this point I was definitely horrified. How could you all be clapping for the end of humanity, the end of people thinking on their own? They said, well, yeah maybe it’s wrong but it’s either us or them and very shortly you’ll realize you want to be on this side. You don’t want to be on the other side.”

“You were told that?” I asked her in disbelief. “I’ve been told that several times, yes,” she replied.

This article is the first in a series ITN will be publishing on transhumanism and the truth Dr. Madej is trying to expose.

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