Letter written in December by a Nephew of a Former Italian Prime Minister Corroborates ItalyGate Claims

Headlines Politics U.S.

A letter written by Carlo Goria corroborates allegations made in the ItalyGate affair. Goria, currently a director at American firm USAerospace Partners, is the nephew of former Italian Prime Minister Giovanni Goria.

The letter was addressed to President Trump and alleges votes in the election were switched from President Trump to Joe Biden with the help of intelligence officers working from the U.S. Embassy in Rome, Italy. The letter cites Italian intelligence officials as sources of the information.

“I confirm that Leonardo SpA from its Pesara facility, using advanced military encryption capabilities, changed the US election result from President Trump to Joe Biden,” the letter reads. “The data switch was conducted by the head of the IT department of Leonardo SpA in coordination with senior US intelligence officers (CIA), three [people] who work at the US Embassy in via Veneto in Rome.”

“Senior official of the United States Embassy held regular meetings with General Claudio Graziano, EU military commander and Ignazio Moncada, president of FATA SpA, a company owned by Leonardo SpA, the largest aerospace and defense company based in Italy with the US counterpart Leonardo DRS,” it adds.

ITN has been in possession of the letter for several months but decided not to publish it. We published it today after CD Media ran a story on it this morning. ITN has was able to confirm its authenticity with someone with knowledge of the matter when it first obtained it.

It is unclear whether President Trump has ever seen the letter. (ITN was also told that the English-language translation was not written/translated by Goria.)

Several errors in the document have called its veracity into question, such as misspellings of addresses in Italy and the reference to whistleblower Arturo D’Elia has an employee of Leonardo rather than a contractor working with the company at the time of the election.

However at the time the letter was written – December 27, 2020 – there were many uncorroborated reports of D’Elia’s employment status and many outlets – including ITN – referred to him as an employee of the billion-dollar Italian defense contractor at the time.

Maria Strollo-Zack and her organization Nations in Action™ have been working hard to bring the truth of what happened to light. She says ItalyGate is still very much an ongoing investigation.

We reported this week on steps taken by powerful forces both inside and outside of Italy that were seemingly designed to force the CEO of Leonardo – the same CEO in office during the election – to resign.

The move may betray deep state machinations that attempt to tie up loose ends of the scandal.

Carlo Goria’s letter with translation:


Carlo Goria Letter Italian PDF



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