Dr. Suneel Dhand on Why We Need to Look Outside the Current Medical Establishment

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In the News with Mike Dakkak


Dr. Suneel Dhand joins ITN to discuss he tries his hardest to avoid medical interactions and why we need to build an alternate medical establishment.

Learn more about Dr. Dhand at www.drdhandacademy.com.

Follow Dr. Dhand on Twitter at www.twitter.com/DrSuneelDhand.

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1 thought on “Dr. Suneel Dhand on Why We Need to Look Outside the Current Medical Establishment

  1. So true! I’m a disabled rn on opiates for chronic pain years before the war that left millions of us banished stigmatized and forgotten. I have some kind of bone connective tissue disease and for two years I’ve gone to Drs! All they’re interested in is why I haven’t had a mammogram this year? The countless depression scores questions and of course the opiate lectures with the false hyperalgesia and even refusal to treat and lies on their laptops…I continue to decline and nobody fixes anything! They’ve prescribed pills for every symptom they hear…and I am so traumatized by the horrible way I’ve been treated in ERs! Getting called a drug seeker only to end up needing ERCP for a closed sphincter of oddi and bile blood in stomach for 8 months! Then bash each other, huge numbers are quitting, affiliation with hospitals is the only Drs there are and it reminds me of the little purple pill medium that suddenly every patient elderly got everyday in the hospital! Big pharma pays alot to get us all hooked on ppis statins antidepressants, and blood sugars came down to 100 needing insulin!! My God, yet they won’t let sick people die?? It’s criminal is what it is! I’d love to live in the UK!

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